Washington Post Spy Analyst

Max Boot of the Washington Post was a key player behind the Russia collusion scam. His wife is a foreign spy.

Opinion | Here are 18 reasons Trump could be a Russian asset – The Washington Post

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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11 Responses to Washington Post Spy Analyst

  1. Bob G says:

    I never heard of Max Boot till he became an anti-trumper about 8 years ago. They always claimed he was some libertarian type. That never made sense to me. He came across to me as a reckless blowhard. That said, how is his wife in trouble for spying for South Korea? Isn’t South Korea an Ally of ours? Yes it is! It doesn’t sound very serious when they let her go on $500,000 bail. spying for North Korea, that might be a different story.

  2. arn says:

    They always accuse others of what they are,

    otherwise they would come up with the way more obvious things.
    1000 reasons why Obama and Biden must be WEF assets.

  3. Francis Barnett says:

    The alleged Trump/Russia collusion pales in comparison to China Joe’s pension fund.


    All proven with images of cheques (checks) and bank records.
    There’s a hard rain going to fall on the Biden Crime Family if DT gets elected POTUS.

    • Terry Shipman says:

      One would hope that will happen. But Old Joe will probably pardon himself and his family on his way out. An indictment and conviction is not required for a pardon. Gerald Ford pardoned Richard Nixon after Nixon left office. If memory serves, Nixon was only an “un-indicted co-conspirator.” So Nixon could never be charged with Watergate crimes.

    • arn says:

      I don’t think that Trump will do anything in case of Joe.

      Joe already does not know wether he is in the white house or in prison and they’ll put him in a luxury resort asylum if he even gets 1000 years prison as result of age and mental state.
      And the good liberals love their pedophile,serial war criminals,pathological liars,plagiarists,corrupt sellouts who improned them in their homes,forced vaccinations on them and unleashed an inflation a crimewave and millions of illegals on them.
      Why risk a civil war for someone who is already living in his own hell.

    • Bob G says:

      Mr Barnett, isn’t it clear to all of us by now that it’s legal for the Biden family to sell influence to foreign Nations, to evade taxes, to use illegal drugs, to blackmail Ukraine, to refinance your house 20 times in 20 years, only God knows why. What’s not legal is to pay back all your Manhattan real estate loans on time, not legal to pay for an NDA. Not legal to call legal expenses a legal expense on internal business records and let’s not forget getting your photo taken with a kooky woman may lead to a rape allegation 25 years later. Or was it 30 years ago? And don’t try video taping a black woman committing election fraud as that might lead to a 150 million dollar penalty..

  4. Francis Barnett says:

    You are just TWISTED. !!

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