Antarctic Collapse Scam Collapses

Academia and the press have been fear mongering about the collapse of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet for over 50 years, but that scam seems to be collapsing.

The West Antarctic Ice Sheet may not be vulnerable to marine ice cliff instability during the 21st century | Science Advances

The ‘Doomsday’ glacier may soon trigger a dramatic sea-level rise

Scientists Are Watching in Horror as Ice Collapses

23 Jan 1977, 7 – Independent at

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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3 Responses to Antarctic Collapse Scam Collapses

  1. Russell Cook says:

    In my running count of CAGW scientists vs skeptic scientists seen at a particular U.S. news outlet ( ), I also have a running count of that outlet’s broadcast segments / significant on-air mentions of the CAGW issue, where I’ve copied the transcript text urls and keyword sentences into a simple text file that enables me to say with authority how many times ANY semblance of rebuttal was offered against what was said on the program. So far, in the 1,650+ instances, viewers only got to hear something from the skeptic side 7 times which might cause them to wonder if there might be something not quite right about CAGW assertions. The following four are what I have about the ‘imminent’ demise of Antarctic ice:

    #658. – Antarctica is melting faster than scientists expected July 2, 2017
    NewsHour segment host Hari Sreenivasan: Scientists are predicting a 110-mile sheet of ice — a chunk the size of the state of Delaware — will break off Antarctica in the coming days or weeks. The cause is warming ocean waters, and the ice melt has implications for sea level rise well beyond the South Pole region. …
    Robert Kunzig: … If this iceberg goes, the worry is that the whole ice shelf might collapse as other ice shelves on the Antarctic Peninsula have already collapsed. And ice shelves there and elsewhere around Antarctica are really kind of the canaries in the coal mine …

    #981. – A risky expedition to study the ‘doomsday glacier, Feb 19, 2020
    NewsHour segment host Miles O’Brien: .. It’s the largest, most menacing source of rising sea levels all over the world. Welcome to the Thwaites Glacier in West Antarctica. … About the size of Florida, it is vanishing at an alarming rate, retreating about a half-mile and thinning as much as 15 feet every year. .. There is nothing to stop its accelerating retreat. It could melt away in a few decades. Some call it the Doomsday Glacier. …

    #1222. – Melting of the Thwaites Glacier could rewrite the global coastline, Dec 15, 2021
    NewsHour segment host William Brangham: .. in Antarctica, a key ice shelf that sits in front of the Thwaites Glacier could break up much sooner than expected, within five years. …
    David Holland: .. We have been seeing for the last couple of decades a large change in Antarctica and, in particular, on this one glacier called Thwaites in West Antarctica. .. It’s actually largely in the ocean. … Warm ocean waters have arrived at this glacier, and they’re melting it like crazy. … We would see a dramatic rise of several feet of sea level. And it could be Thwaites itself perhaps two to three feet, but Thwaites is holding back its neighbors. And they, too, could fall apart, raising sea level by an additional maybe six feet, so, altogether, something of scale 10 feet. …

    1316. – Scientists measure how quickly crucial Antarctica glacier is melting, Jul 25, 2022
    NewsHour segment host Miles O’Brien: These ice canyons are in the Thwaites Glacier in Antarctica. It’s the so-called Doomsday Glacier, and you are seeing it in its death throes as close as anyone ever has. …

  2. Peter Carroll says:

    This hoary old (West Antarctic Ice Sheet) chestnut again. If anyone is interested, Google Antarctic Volcanos and be enlightened.
    This is despite NASA identifying over 130 volcanos or geothermal hot spots in West Antarctica, but saying they have no effect.

  3. conrad ziefle says:

    If the ice is floating on water, it’s melting will not raise the oceans 1mm.

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