“averting climate catastrophe”

Four years ago, Michael Mann said survival of the planet depends on electing Joe Biden.  Since Biden was elected, CO2 growth hit a record high – and there is no indication that the party in power has any impact on CO2 growth rates.

A second Trump term would be ‘game over’ for the climate, says top scientist | US elections 2020 | The Guardian

CO2 Annual Growth Rates for Mauna Loa

Global Monitoring Laboratory – Carbon Cycle Greenhouse Gases


About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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8 Responses to “averting climate catastrophe”

  1. arn says:

    If Biden was the planets saviour: why did none of the liberals complain when he was recently couped out of the presidential race?

    And how comes Scientific American and Mann sound exactly the same?

    And why were there more ( fake ) heat records during the Saviours reign than during Trumps?

  2. czechlist says:

    mann is a paradigm of those propagating misinformation as noted in Tony’s 8/11 post. Have any of his prognostications manifested? Yet, he is considered a sage by those who religiously and desperately believe in CO2 induced Climate Change
    “The urge to save humanity is almost always a false front for the urge to rule.”
    H. L. Mencken

  3. Greg in NZ says:

    Spellcheck alert: “one of the most effluent climate scientists in the world”. He’s a broken sewer pipe in need of fixing: ew, there’s that stench again…

  4. conrad ziefle says:

    On another front, Professor Shirt is trying to do his part to get the message out there and to affect the election, at least a little. Please check out the latest shirt, a counter to the Babble Garbage Yard Sign of the BLM era. Let me know what you think and any recommendations. A better name for it would be helpful.

  5. Bob G says:

    the climate crisis is giving us a record corn crop in central Minnesota. update on the Good ship Lumi. not much of a ship a 70 ft sailboat. check out the link below. you’ll see they’re on the west side of a small island. on the east side of that island is ice that’s from 50% to 100% solid. they chose to go on the west side so I think they’ve decided they can’t get through that ice right now and they’re going to park for a while. I’m shocked to learn that their location, which is 1400 miles south of the North Pole, has so much ice. I thought the experts told us all that ice had melted. https://alluringarctic.com/tracking/

  6. dm says:

    Mann illustrates problems caused by one issue fanatics. He supported Biden, supposedly in hopes Biden would declare war on “catastrophic climate change”. What he IMPOSED on ordinary people is a half wit who has increased the odds of a catastrophic, global, military war;-( EVERYBODY well informed about Biden’s then 50 year record of foreign policy blunders KNEW Biden would increase the odds & intensity of local, regional and global conflicts.

    Scotty, beam Dr. Mann to Ukraine, Afghanistan, Gaza, Somalia, Yemen, Venezuela, Detroit, St. Louis or another area made more violent by Biden’s kind of foolishness

  7. Russell Cook says:

    Note additionally how the Oct 2020 report about The Mann came from Mark Hertsgaard of Covering Climate Now, an outfit having the goal to “strengthen coverage of the climate story” . . . . but only this past February, Hertsgaard posted a Tweet / X news item about the death of “Pulitzer winning reporter Ross Gelbspan” ( https://x.com/CoveringClimate/status/1756049080805884336 ). Gelbspan NEVER won a Pulitzer ( https://www.pulitzer.org/search/Gelbspan ). Hertsgaard, who clamors about disinformation on our side, is a pusher of disinformation himself, as I detailed in a March 2023 blog post ( http://gelbspanfiles.com/?p=15200 ).

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