Changing Climate

At the 1989 AGU meeting, NOAA’s Tom Karl said most global warming occurred before 1919 and earth cooled from 1921 to 1979

“Analysis of warming since 1881 shows most of the increase in global temperature happened before 1919 — before the more recent sharp rise in the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, said Thomas Karl, of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s National Climate Data Center in Asheville, N. C.

While global climate warmed overall since 1881, it actually cooled from 1921 to 1979, Karl said.

“In spite of all the well-publicized concern about global warming, you must understand that there is still considerable uncertainty among scientific experts about a number of critical factors which determine global warming,” NOAA administrator John Knauss said in a statement issued for the geophysics meeting.”


07 Dec 1989, 44 – The Tyler Courier-Times at

But the climate at government has changed, and NOAA has since rewritten earth’s history.

Climate at a Glance | Global Time Series | National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI)

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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6 Responses to Changing Climate

  1. arn says:

    This was before the climate gates.

    “Experts ” so ambitious to disappear 3 centuries+ of MWP (as they are so confident because their science is so settled ) can easily disappear a few decades here and there just as they adjusted away the recent hiatus.

    • arn says:

      PS – just realised that the MWP is also called the Medieval Climate OPTIMUJM according to Wokipedia.

      How can the Optimum from 1000 years ago be a total desaster today?(for people who have all the tech to protect themselves from any climate related problems )

  2. Bob G says:

    you shalt not question publications from the ministry of Truth.

  3. Peter Carroll says:

    “Before the recent sharp rise in CO2”. More proof (if any more is needed), that warming PRECEDES a rise in CO2.
    Got that Al Gore?

    • Bob G says:

      what is CO2? according to the left it’s a dirty pollutant. carbon is just black dirt. yuck. the O 2, that’s not mentioned. and dioxide …that’s sounds even worse. like poison!!! I don’t want to date myself but when I was a kid carbon was the chemical foundation of life and the O2 stood for oxygen. we can blame the media for letting politicians get away with claiming that CO2 is something bad.

  4. Richard E Fritz says:

    whats most comical is the NOAA hid the temps from US Public and Congress for 10-20 years – when they were FORCED to show the heating numbers they could NO LONGER LIE about increase so they gave up the 1.5C increase in 20 years & then USED the truth to tell the Bigger LIE that just 3 degree increase and we all DIE & like CO2 being the worst gas they could of chosen as their reason for The Meltdown they and Al Gore are forced to compound their lies by 1000%

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