Data Is “Misleading”

According to “Logically Facts” data is misleading, but baseless hearsay and innuendo is real.

‘Pseudoscience, no crisis’: How fake experts are fueling climate change denial

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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34 Responses to Data Is “Misleading”

  1. Bob Gutjahr says:

    Ad hominem

    • Bob G says:

      Exactly, Bob Gutjahr! it’s a debate tactic – attack the accuser instead of answering the accusation. if Tony Heller is a private researcher then I guess I’m a step or two down, I’m a private observer. I observed the global cooling scare of the ’70s, before the flip flop. I’ve observed that hot days used to be hotter and cold days used to be colder and the new slightly milder weather seems to be more human friendly. I’ve observed record crop yields when we’re told we are in a crisis. I’ve observed that the glaciers in Glacier Park Montana are only 3,000 years old so it must have been warmer 4,000 years ago. I’ve observed that CO2 is a trace gas and if you double or triple it it’s still a trace gas. I’ve observed that most of our record high temps occurred before 1950. I’ve observed some of the proponents of the global warming scam have been caught emailing each other discussing how they want to hide information that doesn’t agree with their theory. I’ve observed that many politicians claim they can change the climate but can’t change other things much simpler like securing a border or managing our tax dollars better. I’ve observed that the so-called climate experts can’t tell us if climate change is going to give us wetter weather or dryer weather. I have observed that Al Gore predicted in 2005 that devastating hurricanes were the new norm for the U.S. instead what happened, we went 12 years without a major hurricane. I’ve observed that a sailboat called Lumi, was counting on easily traversing the Northwest passage but now they’re blocked by ice flows that are a whopping 1,400 miles south of the North Pole. how can that be? 🙂 I’ve observed that the climate debate seems to be about money and power and not about climate. call me a serial observer. not a serial denier. 🙂

  2. Jack the Insider says:

    Poor Fellow My Country

  3. arn says:

    The fake expert phenomenon

    The fake expert strategy can be traced back to when the MiC and Wall Street overlapped in the 1960ies to start an endless series of global wars and government changes.
    Always the same people,in the same country with the same lies – by the same experts.
    Year after year,country after country,false flag after false flag,
    expert lie after expert lie.
    The Tonkin incident,the killings of the Diems,Kennedies,Lumumbas,
    the WMD’s,the Incubator lie etc etc etc.
    And not a single fact checker to be seen and not a single expert to be ever held accountable.

    In fact experts were systematically used to cover things up.
    The mother of all fact checking experts – the Warren Commission ,where the CiA investigated itself by its boss who got sacked by the president who was shot by them
    or the very real Hunter Biden laptop that was declared fake by 4 dozen intelligence experts though even a sex tape of Hunter is on the laptop.

    It worked so well that they realised – what works in terms of foreign policies and wars will work even better disguised as science.
    So one global excuse after another was created to shift power
    towards the institution that has been created right next to Wall Street – the UN
    to achieve internationally and nationally what they have failed to achieve with the Wall Street Coup.

    And these experts created one expert excuse after another -DDT,CFC’s,AGW’s, Viruses and vaccines to increase the demand for “Experts” with one specific skill.
    To see everything – except the obvious truth;especially the truth that was in the way of the global Agenda.
    It was way easier to wage war in the name of experts by using institutions like IMF,UN,WHO and NGO’s than doing it openly.

    Being expert became an international phenomenon
    when top experts of US and UK
    made the exact same “mistake”(expert telepathy) about WMD’s so both of their countries could attack iraq – the only expert who did not go along with the official story,Dr Kelly, was assassinated by suicide – by real experts.

    And these experts became so expert that they lost the most basic million old years knowledge in nature – to tell the difference between male and female.
    (Except for trannies and Michelle Obama – who are always female somehow.)
    or to tell the fact that a demented village idiot is sitting in the white house.

    The fake expert phenomenon went so far that the experts even forgot about their own expertize of the 70ies – the ice age –
    and now claim the exact opposite.
    And they do this all the time.
    Former boarder tzar and first Indian American Senator (though Elizabeth Warren was more first)Kamala Harris,from the slave holding Hamilton Brown dynastie,
    is now black and calling her boarder tzar is racist now.

    • Bob G says:

      Arn, that reminds me of what the left doesn’t consider to be an expert -Trump. the left considers career politicians such as the 2008 young Obozo, schmuckie Schumer, Nancy Peloser, dunderhead Joe and now Kommyla Harris, to be experts at how to manage our federal government. not an expert in that field according to the left would be a very mature and seasoned businessman, Donald Trump, who has 20,000 employees and has managed dozens of businesses, who has turned a small fortune into a large Fortune, has written a couple best selling books, had a top rated television show, (note that Schwarzenegger took over that show and immediately ran it into the ground), and then out debated about 10 other Republicans to win the US presidency on his first try, running against the smartest woman in the world, Hillary crooked Clinton and then followed through on a very successful four years in the White House. Let me add that Donald takes the job very seriously and is well versed on policy. we’ve heard rumors for years that kommy harris is a slacker in that department and it’s going to show big time in the first debate.

  4. conrad ziefle says:

    I don’t know about “Logical Facts”. I looked for logic and for facts there and found neither.

    • conrad ziefle says:

      Then there’s the question of what “logical facts” are. Aren’t all facts logical if you follow them to the ground? So the author could dispense with the complexity, and simply call his site “Facts”. I doubt it would make what he writes any more factual, however.

      • arn says:

        Official facts like – Ukrain blew up North Stream
        or that Oswald was able to aim and shoot as fast as he did though it is technically not possible are probably illogical facts.
        The moons double whack theory is probably another one as it is literally impossible.
        And that co2 went all rogue in 1983 after 14 billion years is another one.
        I’ve also heard that there are non casual effects in the quantum realm but I’ve no clue about that.

        Logically facts is probably as redundant as Lysenko science or insane woke,
        but they didn’t chose the latter names for obvious reasons.

        • arn says:

          Just stumbled upon another illogical fact.

          Goldman Sachs , owners of the 2 former English prime ministers,Angela Merkel,Mario Draghi ect,
          just came up with a statement that
          “Voters are shifting to Kamaleon Harris ” –
          most probably because Americans enjoyed the poverty,crimes, forced lockdowns and vaccines,rotting infrastructure,porn in schools ,mutilating children,gun grabbing,undermining constitution,weaponizing of of juidical system and intelligence to go after political opponents and to pay hundreds of billions to foreign countries
          so much that they would vote for an awkward nobody
          with a disgusting appearance and infantile attitude
          who climbed the political ladder by prostitution couped herself undemocratically into the presidential race.

          Now there is no logic behind this, but it is a fact that Goldman Sachs and BlackRock determine who becomes president (to push Agenda 2030) and that the November results are fixed and only need a complentary narrative
          until that day to convince Americans that a desaster party whose top politicians like Sanders and AOC need to hire singers and other celebrities if they don’t want to campaign in front of empty seats.

      • conrad ziefle says:

        Lastly, the fact that you are taking flack means that you are over target and feared.

        • conrad ziefle says:

          I think Goodman Sachs is referring to the fictitious voters that the CCP voting machine hackers will create.

        • arn says:

          Here some more logical facts -real ones = former conspiracy theories = based on the simple logic that something, artificial added to the system is almost always harmful and not better than the original we were adjusted to over thousands and thousands of years.
          (and how the industry creates demand for themselves,as climate scientists do)
          6:01-6:12 says everything we need to know about science(and why disillusioned health improved so much
          after he turned beef eater)

        • Disillusioned says:

          Thanks arn. Excellent video! (Please watch it Conrad.)

          Yes – the cholesterol/statin scam is akin to the climate scam. There is real evidence that the higher the LDL, the better! Carnivores’ are reporting heart disease going into remission, and arteries being cleaned out – and they’re reporting their calcium tests online.

          Beef and fat, combined with when I stopped eating all plant products, my health improved rapidly. I am hiking again, because my knees act like they are no longer arthritic!

          Just finished today’s 22oz ribeye with tallow and ghee. Nothing else – just the ribeye, the extra fat and water, then electrolytes before bed. (Sorta like “Groundhog Day” but only with positive results.)

  5. Any scientific argument rests on its own merits, not on who proposes it. Are the fundamental facts correct? Is the reasoning correct? Then the conclusion is correct. It doesn’t matter a tinker’s cuss whether it is proposed by a member of the club or not. ‘Peer review’ serves to maintain orthodoxy, and excessive reliance on it merely results in stagnation, because original ideas invariably arise from outside the coterie. This reliance on academic credentials is called sophistry; it is anti-science.

    • Bearing in mind all of Michael Mann’s work is ‘peer reviewed’. I rest my case.

      • Bob G says:

        And if your case was in a DC or a Manhattan courtroom… you would lose. Maybe in Minneapolis too. it’s past the statute of limitations you say? Oh, we’ve got a remedy for that. the first autopsy didn’t give the desired result? we’ve got a remedy for that too.

  6. Gamecock says:

    When you control the language, you control the argument.

    “Expert,” and “the science,” are Lefty tools to get people to believe them. They use these focus group tested words because people value them. They don’t. They are merely tools. Orwell warned us.

    ‘Logically Facts’ says you are not qualified to complain about the destruction of Western Civilization.

    I know what liberty is. I know I can believe anything I want to; I don’t need LF’s approval.

  7. dm says:

    An expert is someone who knows more & more about less & less until the expert knows everything about nothing.

    AMATEURS make significant contribution is MANY fields. AMATEUR astronomers continue to discover celestial phenomenon. AMATEUR archaeologists converted grave robbing into historical preservation. AMATEUR paleontologists continue finding major fossils & fossil deposits. Col. Drake was a novice when he dug the first oil well and started profound changes in transportation, materials, HVAC … Henry Ford was a novice when he revolutionized industrial production. Steve Jobs et. al. were hobbyists who revolutionized IT.

    Similarly, the typical smart person (IQ 115-129) willing to learn & to think objectively can spot flaws in “expert” findings. The same person can effectively inform others about the flaws. Doing so with climate alarmism and “green” energy is like shooting ducks in a barrel.

    • Gamecock says:

      True. “Climate science” is based on a half-dozen logical fallacies.

    • After the ‘experts’ under Professor Langley produced an aircraft whose total failure resulted in it landing in the Potomac River, minus its wings, a pair of ‘amateur’ bicycle makers built an aeroplane that flew. When did I K Brunel, arguable the finest engineer of the Victorian era, get his PhD? Michell, the designer of the Supermarine Spitfire, was self taught.

      Much of the foundations of modern science can be traced to a motley collection of aristocrats and clergymen, who would be classed as ‘amateurs’ nowadays. And of course we can ignore the amateurish effeorts of a certain patents clerk, who revolutionized 20th Century physics.

      Science fiction B movies always has the academic professor proposing the solution to the invading aliens, or whatever, but we forget it is fiction. Most academics have never had an original thought in their lives, which is why they cling to established ideas and are incapable of adapting to new ones.

      Consider the etymology of the word ‘amateur’: Amo, amas, amat – I love, you love, he/she loves. Amateurs studies a subject out of passion which is why they are not vulnerable to corruption or coercion.

  8. fhsiv says:

    They’ve got to be hypnotized.

  9. Lonnie says:

    The LF article reminded me of the Monty Python “Argument” skit.
    “This isn’t an argument, it is merely contradiction”
    “No it isn’t”
    “Yes it is”
    …,”…not necessarily”

  10. Denis Rushworth says:

    Anurag Baruah writes on climate science “deniers:” “Would you seek dental advice from an ophthalmologist? The answer is obvious.”

    So who is Anurag Baruah, the author of this paper? He is very young (often a good trait) with a masters degree in mathematics. He has no notable training in meteorology or climate physics. So why is he credited by some news organization to discredit people like Judith Curry, former head of the Georgia Tech climate department with dozens (or is it hundreds) of peer reviewed articles on he matter. No, I would not seek dental advice from my ophthalmologist nor would she give it. Nor would I seek climate advice from Anurag Baruah, a junior mathematician. Other than for pay, just why does he seek to give it?

    • conrad ziefle says:

      So a Masters Degree in Math? I would say that any degree, Masters or otherwise, is just a jumping off point for beginning to understand phenomena that you focus on learning more about. Again, I have known people with PhDs that were incredibly unable to work through a logic problem. It would also depend on when he got his degree. If he got it prior to 1990, I would say he might be pretty knowledgeable, because before 1990 or so, they tried to flunk you out. If you hung in back in those days, you withstood the crucible of continuous fire. After that, they tried to keep you in, and they tried to keep everyone in. Education became big business; the more students, the merrier. The more degrees paid for, the better. I’m not going to say that either educational process is right. Yes, you should try to help the students achieve their goals, not try to burn them to the ground, but you also should be selective about who your students are. You cannot get a turnip to understand calculus.

  11. Bob G says:

    update on the Young explorers attempting to traverse the Northwest passage in the Good sailboat Lumi. it’s almost 2:30 in the afternoon and they haven’t moved from last night’s anchorage on the edge of the pack ice. apparently waiting for it to melt, which isn’t going to happen. their best chance besides an ice breaker is to have the wind blow open a channel that they can scoot through. they have about 75 miles of pack ice to get through. I give them credit for not trying to get through it now. at this point that would be too risky in my humble opinion.

  12. Disillusioned says:

    The irony that this ass clown quoted John Cook talking about people who convey the impression expertise on a topic, while possessing little to no expertise, is astonishing. It is irony on steroids. John Cook’s credentials never made him an expert; like the plague he avoids having expertise on the topic of thermodynamics and the actual science of how climate changes. Even if he were an expert, still he pushes fraud. Plenty of people with “credentials” went to prison because they were criminals – their credentials be damned.

    • arn says:

      Talking about cook – dude.
      I just googled how much 22 ounces are.
      I’d probably need 2 days to finish such a steak – especially some fat rib eye.

      Btw – in case you haven’t tasted it yet and need some variety : Duroc and Iberico pig is some really great stuff(tastes way different than standare pigs.
      the Kobe Wagyu amongst pigs I’d say)

      • Disillusioned says:

        I am eating twice the calories I used to eat when I was eating inflammation-causing, histamine-inducing, weight-gaining vegetables, grains, nuts, seeds, etc. Remember, on this diet, animal meat, fat and eggs (chicken, duck, etc.) is all that is eaten (mainly ruminant meat). As the body heals and goes into autophagy (healing damaged mitochondria) you would be surprised how your much food your body can consume. Some small-boned women are eating 16 to 20 oz steaks, 4 or 5 eggs and several strips of bacon in a day – and healing from all kinds of ailments. (I just make it simple with a 1-1/4 inch fatty steak on a hot fire grill – super fast and delicious.) But occasionally I will also do eggs and bacon, or sardines, or salmon, or chicken thighs or a second ribeye. That’s right – I have eaten two 22 oz ribeyes in a day, several times. 😀 A healing body sucks it up. Beef (really, any meat from the ruminants) is the healthiest food humans can digest. And it is very easy to digest. Nobody is allergic to beef (except for a small population of people bitten by a certain tick). Other than that tiny population, beef does not induce histamines or inflammation in anybody.

        Thank you for the suggestion of the Duroc and Iberico pig. I will ask my butcher about it. Wagyu Beef is too rich for my bank account. But as a reward for my 1-year anniversary on this mitochondria-healing diet, I plan to splurge with Wagyu Tomahawk Ribeyes.

        I get a good price on USDA Choice from my new butcher – I got him to match the price of whole ribs from Costco. He slices them in front of me, wraps two at a time in butcher freezer paper. The Costco whole loins come in a cryopack and I must slice them at home and wrap then them for the freezer. I am grateful to have found this butcher.

        • arn says:

          Wagyu Beef is too rich for 99 % of peoples bank account if you eat 44 ounces a day 🙂
          But Ibericos and Duroc are way less expensive – about 25 – 30 bucks per kg /35 ounces where I live.

          But from time to time for the sake of taste and joy and irrational unjustified selfreward it should be eaten – or at least tasted once.

  13. Tel says:

    How do you know he’s an expert?

    Well, he’s got a certificate to say how expert he is.

    Oh, and where did the certificate come from?

    Ahhh … the certificate was awarded by another expert to certify this expert.

    Hmmm … where did the other expert get his certificate from, so we can be sure he was expert enough to be making such an award?

    Turns out a turtle gave it to him … you see they are standing on turtles all the way down.

  14. conrad ziefle says:

    I wouldn’t call Tony an amateur climatologist, simply because he doesn’t have a modern degree in climatology, a relatively new invention. What is climatology all about? It’s a mixture of sciences, supposedly designed to give the students of that curriculum a broad understanding of multifaceted phenomena, which by design leaves them somewhat novices in all areas of science. They would have a little meteorology, a little physics, a little chemistry, a little geology, and possibly a few other things. Geology would probably be the best base for analyzing the climate because it involves the chemical, thermodynamic, static and dynamic forces, fluid mechanics, etc. required to understand how climates of the past and planetary forces shaped our world. It would be just a small step to extend this to how these forces are impacting Earth and the climate today. So belittling a geology degree shows how little this young Einstein really knows or understands about the studies he is writing about. And then what does he say about Lindzen and Clauser? I suppose they are not good enough to meet his criteria either. I also like this heavy dependence on the peer reviewed papers. If you are not introducing a new idea, and are only assimilating existing data, do you need to be peer-reviewed? And what happens when the government begins to deal out grants to researchers who propose to do counter to the narrative research? What happens when there is no benefit to discovering how climate change is impacting- you name it, and it becomes acceptable for a researcher to say climate change is over blown and misunderstood? Does the actual science become more important than a conclusion that supports the narative?

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