Fake US Temperature Data

NOAA shows about 2.5 degrees of warming in US maximum temperatures over the past 50 years

Climate at a Glance | National Time Series | National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI)

This increase doesn’t exist in the measured daily or equivalent raw monthly NOAA data sets.

The TOB adjustment adds about half a degree warming over the past 50 years

The final adjustment adds another 1.5 degrees warming since the 1970s

About half of the data used in the final adjustment is now fabricated, i.e from a computer model rather than a thermometer.

The real (i.e. from thermometers) component of the final adjusted data set shows about one degree warming since the 1970s

But the fabricated component of the final adjusted data set shows about four degrees warming

Most of the warming over the past 50 years is due to fabricated data, not adjustments

Since 1970, the measured thermometer data shows almost no warming.

The measured adjusted data is warming at about two degrees per century

But the fabricated data is warming at eight degrees per century. Note the big jump after 1995.

The majority of warming over the past 50 years being reported by NOAA is due to fake data.

The NCDC data shows the same big jump after 1995, which exists only in the fabricated data.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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10 Responses to Fake US Temperature Data

  1. Ben V says:

    Clicking on the Real Climate Science header doesn’t take you to the newest posts. It goes to a post from July 22nd. It does this using both Firefox and Safari. I’ve cleared cookies and it still does it.

    • Yammobethere says:

      The first post on the home page is a pinned post. New posts begin below the pinned post. Cheers!

    • arn says:

      The pinned post is grey while Tonys regular posts are raci..white.

      Simply click the top recent post article on the right side
      and you’ll be fine.

  2. conrad ziefle says:

    2.5 degrees would not match up with any reasonable projection of temperature increases due to solely CO2. I think I read 1 F was the generally agreed upon projection that would match up with their theory. The theory does not, from what I understand, consider all of the potentially important effects. Therefore even 1F may not be a good estimate.

  3. Bob G says:

    between fake data and the growing urban heat island, gentleman, we have a manufactured crisis, (ignoring the fact that warming can be a good thing). but how can you Hoodwink the public when we have record high crop yields, we have record low deaths from storms, we have a huge decrease in acres burned every summer… how do you get away with it? it’s not only because of a compliant news media. sadly there’s a lot of gullible non thinking people in our country. here’s a good example. at the DNC convention a middle-aged woman was interviewed and asked what she thought about the jobs numbers being adjusted downwards by 880,000. she said she didn’t know anything about it but added if Trump said it then she doesn’t believe it because he never tells the truth. this woman votes and there’s a lot more just like her. heaven help Us.

    • Bob G says:

      I just saw a repeat of last night and that idiot woman who didn’t know about the 880,000 loss of jobs due to a BLS adjustment was former governor of Rhode Island and current commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo. so she probably wasn’t ignorant of the facts, she was just lying. so appropriate that she called Trump a liar because the Democrats love to project. they accuse their political opposition of what they are doing.

  4. czechlist says:

    stumbled onto this site
    it appears our taxpayer funded public radio is indoctrinating reporters along with this propaganda site
    who gets to decide what is misinformation ?
    who gets to decide who gets cancelled, ghosted or banned?

    • Bob G says:

      I skimmed your first link. it’s almost total fiction and I don’t like fiction so that’s why I didn’t read every word. ha ha. the Left seems to have an army of propagandists with very few pushing back. it’s similar to the Trump Russian collusion hoax. most of those that pushed it knew it was BS and yet many Americans still think Trump colluded with Russia. did they ever ask themselves how does that help win an election? the same question could be asked about climate. even if it did (and it didn’t) get a little bit warmer isn’t that better than a glacial ice age like the one we just got out of 12,000 years ago? if Trump wins he needs to follow through on something he suggested 8 years ago and that is have a panel of experts on both sides debate it on national TV.

  5. conrad ziefle says:

    Publicly funded TV and radio should be forced to have the Conservative Hour every night. Who decides the presentation should be outside their editors’ influence.

  6. dm says:

    Mann-made warming should cause alarm.

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