Fort Lauderdale Drowning

Experts say Fort Lauderdale is drowning, but satellite imagery doesn’t provide any support for that idea.

“It’s a scary thought: Sea levels rising by as much as 2 feet, swallowing up land, homes and everything else not on high ground.

It could happen as soon as 2060, experts say.”

Fort Lauderdale is looking at raising roads to battle rising seas

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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3 Responses to Fort Lauderdale Drowning

  1. conrad ziefle says:

    I like these, “it could happen as soon as” statements. It sounds scary, but if nothing happens, they have plausible denial, like any good mafia boss.

  2. arn says:

    When this ain’t happening in New York,Miami,the keys or to any other of those landstrips and lagunes then it won’t happen in Fort Lauderdale.

    There is an identical landstrip/sandbank in Spain called Mar Menor that seperates the lagune from the Sea.(and with millions of tons of concrete and asphalt on it)
    and a similar one in France / St Cyprien.
    They look the same as they did decades ago.

    If we go by photos from 70 years ago a 2 foot sea level rise in 35 years is absolutely impossible as the numbers to back this up do not exist.
    Just as this years (another) record numbers of rice and corn harvest is impossible in a climate crisis.

  3. Bob G says:

    we are having another beautiful day in central Minnesota, right in the heart, right in the bullseye of the North American continent climate crisis. check out the link to see what’s happening at the Minnesota State Fair. the never walz booth has been very popular.

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