Gen Z Math And Solutions

Gen Z writer calculates five degrees of June warming in Philadelphia based on two data points, and says it is up to the city council to lower temperatures.


Mystery Shopper: Does City Council Answer Residents?

June afternoon temperatures in Pennsylvania have declined over the past century.  The blue line shows the Gen Z calculated trend since 2004.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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24 Responses to Gen Z Math And Solutions

  1. arn says:

    I am only 19, and I remember

    being 121 cm 8 years ago.
    Now I am 181 cm.
    Within the next 40 years I ‘ll be 4m 21 cm tall.

  2. Trevor says:

    At 1:00pm it is 20deg Celsius in Calgary. I remember when I was younger (this morning at 5:00am) it was only 5deg C. By this time next week, it will be over 300 deg C.

    Better crank up that A/C.

  3. Bob G says:

    That woke generation z boy has a big future ahead of him as a possible presidential nominee for the Democrat party. he has all the tools needed to rise to the top in the blue party including deceit, lack of context, shrillness, low IQ, emotional immaturity etc. let Tim Walz and Kommy Harris mentor him and he can be the next Gavin Newsome and maybe even the next Barry O’Fraudo. if he can learn to speak Chinese, even better!

  4. conrad ziefle says:

    Everything this kid said shows a complete lack of understanding of scientific principles, logical thought, and better than a 3rd grade understanding of math. You can take that last one either way, or both ways, although either way or both ways probably gives Mystery too much credit.
    It is typical for people to think that what they remember, if they remember correctly, is the “Norm”. It is typical for the average grade school child to think that two points define a trend, and that their local government controls the world.

    • arn says:

      The last thing one will remember from childhood is a temperature difference.
      One may remember if there was more or less snow – and that’s about it.
      Everything else is BS as children do not care or memorize such stuff( not even grown ups as long as their jobs dont depend on it).
      Especially not children with a 5 second concentration span.

      If he could remember anything he’d remember that he knew back then the difference between men and women – but no longer does.

      He’d remember the massive socially engineered changes that went so far that 2 former democrats have becomes the 2 biggest opponents of that party.

      • Bob G says:

        to give the kid a little credit, he may have been shown a graph on Philadelphia summer temperatures by somebody he respects and he didn’t realize it was Cherry picked. the same thing happened to me when I was in my fifties. you turn on the news and they’re telling you that a thousand weather stations just broke their high temp for a particular day. I only learned maybe 10 years ago that this was happening because those weather stations had records going back only 50 years. an alternative theory on this kid is that he’s actually pretty smart and he knows the temps he cited are cherry picked and he’s purposely scamming us for political gain. similar to that David Hogg kid from the parkland school massacre. I must admit I remember a few things about the weather when I was a kid. one… it rarely got cold before New Year’s Day. two, hot summer days seemed hotter in the ’60s and ’70s and I think they were. we almost never hit a hundred anymore in the summer in central Minnesota. my dad always talked about a weather event from his teen years – 1936. it was an unbearably hot summer and an unbearably cold winter.

        • arn says:

          I don’t doubt that dude is smart.
          (that’s why he managed to cherry pick dates with a significant temp. difference,while he will never be able to have those skills to find a single article about the ice age scare)

          But how we remember things and how they were are 2 different things.
          Especially when you are young and easily impressed.

          3-5 extraordinary hot days during a pretty cold summer may appear as a very hot summer 20 years later.
          Just like the permanent: It is getting hotter propaganda will make people actually believe that they experienced a very hot summer in 2024
          though the temperatures were below average.

          We had a climate change victim here(not a climate victim but a climate propaganda victim)
          who freaked out troll style about weather getting so much warmer in Texas – though it did not.
          His memory was retro actively Mandela effected or affected by experts WMD style.

  5. Terry Shipman says:

    “I am only 19.” I am 74 and remember the really bad heat wave here in Arkansas in 1980. I also remember the really bad heat wave in St. Louis when I was 16 back in 1966. Both of my parents could tell this kid about the really bad heat waves in the 1930’s- back before air conditioning became commonplace.

    I would tell this kid that what the weather is now is cool by comparison. Also I would tell this kid to get a good history book and read about REALLY bad weather.

  6. roaddog says:

    Everything one reads on the internet is true. The End.

  7. czechlist says:

    I recall eco-warrior RFK Jr. lamenting that kids would never know snow and sledding like he did as a child.
    Reminds me of a cartoon where a dad is walking his young son in the snow that is knee deep to him saying “this is nothing. when I was your age the snow was waist deep!” Of course it is waist deep to the little kid.
    Here in Texas my grand parents and parents survived the hot dusty summers of the ’30s and my sibs and I survived the ’50s all without A/C. The summer of 1980 was brutal as I tried in vain to save my lawn.
    Ecclesiastes 1:9

    • Disillusioned says:

      Good post, czechlist.

      RFK Jr. is dealing with the fallout of knowing he is on the opposite side of the aisle from the Uniparty Cabal and keenly knows he is a marked man, as is President Trump. That in itself is promising. I think he has integrity, and I am hoping he also has the flexibility and the synapses to come to the understanding the Climate Scam is just that (a scam) – for control, like so many other hoaxes the Cabal keep throwing at the public in their plans for total control. I think he can, but will he make the connection? Will he? Dunno.

      I don’t mind RFK Jr. as a health czar. He knows the topic and is familiar with the myriad problems with the Standard American Diet (SAD), resulting chronic disease and the medicating of over half the population with pharmaceuticals. But, I think President Trump needs to keep RFK Jr. far away from anything climate related, at least until I see/hear true disillusionment coming from him on that topic. IMHO

      • conrad ziefle says:

        Yeah, he has completely bought in to the climate scam, as are others who have caught on to the vaccine scam. I think they believe that the scientific evidence shows that CO2 can absorb certain wave lengths, and then they jump to “it must be true” to some extent, without critically thinking through each step. In fact, right off the bat if a wave length can be absorbed then it can equally well be emitted. We really need objective studies of how this all works, and not goal seeking studies to prove the climate change impacts on {you name its). The whole grant system by the government, being probably the biggest donor, needs to be revised.
        There are a bunch of better people to run NOAA and NASA.

        • Disillusioned says:

          Excellent points Conrad.

          My concern at first was that R.F.K Jr. could possibly turn on President Trump if he did not agree with certain policies. It’s the same qualities he has that gave me some goosebumps while listening to his campaign suspension speech, which could also bite if he were outspoken on issues about which there could be vehement disagreement. He says what is on his mind and he articulates it well (sans his laryngeal condition).

          But then I think, he is keenly aware of what we are up against – a behemoth (or several, all working for the same agenda). So, he’s left with whom to go for and against. His options are a deep, dark State, or President Trump, who also openly states what is on his mind.

          I’m thinking/hoping RFK Jr. is more than likely smart enough to make the correct decision.

  8. Nicholas McGinley says:

    Interesting how he can recall the weather 20 years ago, before he was born, but not 2 years later, when it was already hotter than this year!

  9. Russell Cook says:

    Using the kid’s 2 data point methodology: The official Phoenix weather reporting station last saw summertime high temps around 120° and above in the early- / mid-1990s. By 2009, the local newspaper headline stated in regard a streak of 14th consecutive daytime highs below 100°F, “June hasn’t been this nice since … 1913” ( ).

    Ergo, planetwide cooling. Q.E.D.

  10. Gamecock says:

    Wondering . . . do you have to be able to control the weather to run for Philadelphia City Council, or is it something they teach you after you are elected?

    • Bob G says:

      I was wondering that too. it seems that the world’s temperature is determined by a round thermostat in the Janitor’s closet at the mayor’s office in downtown Philadelphia Pennsylvania. lol

  11. MLH says:

    Back in the day it was “new math”, apparently now they are pushing “new logic”.

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