Ice Free Arctic Forecasts

The basic physics behind why these forecasts have failed.


About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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3 Responses to Ice Free Arctic Forecasts

  1. The beauty of the Laws of Thermodynamics is they provide a means of showing that much hyped hysterical predictions fall into the same category as crank proposals for perpetual motion machines, and it doesn’t matter a tinker’s cuss how well credentialed the protagonist or how much money was spent on the model. If the assertion contravenes fundamental physics, it is rubbish.

    • Peter Carroll says:

      Isn’t Physics wonderful, even Al Gore and Michael Mann can’t beat it. I’ll put ice free forecasts in with my “cold fusion”, just for safe keeping.

      • conrad ziefle says:

        In our local paper was an article where a LLL expert discussed “The Future of Fusion.” I hope they are on to something different than they have pushed grants for over the last 70 years. The future of fusion: 70 more years of fruitless grants. I hope not, but the odds seem to be with that.
        Oh what would they do when energy has no clear environmental problem other than it makes everyone wealthy?

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