John Kerry’s Forecast

“Scientists project that the Arctic will be ice-free in the summer of 2013. Not in 2050, but four years from now.”

John Kerry Oct 16, 2009

We Can’t Ignore the Security Threat from Climate Change | HuffPost Impact

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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8 Responses to John Kerry’s Forecast

  1. Bob G says:

    is that the same John Kerry that back stabbed his fellow army buddies, married for money twice, apparently, and avoided state taxes when he purchased his yacht and stored it out of state? the left sure knows how to pick their heroes (sarc). as the late great John Daly used to say, still waiting for the greenhouse.

  2. Bob G says:

    I was planning on going to an outdoor concert tonight but the conditions are not ideal… a little bit breezy and in the sixties here in South Central Minnesota. about 15 miles to the southeast it’s only 61°! but not to worry it’s just weather. if it was 100° then it would be climate change/global warming/climate weirding doom doom and more Doom. did anyone catch the story about Arrowhead water company in California? they have a small pipe that brings their facility freshwater from a san Bernardino mountain spring going on 100 years. Big brother government says shut that pipe down. so in the land of fruits and nuts, California, they have all the fresh water in the world for the snail darter but none for the humans, in this case. they say people get the government they deserve.

  3. conrad ziefle says:

    Look, if Kerry ever states anything as a fact, just ask him for his calculations. He’ll piss his pants and faint.

  4. czechlist says:

    notice how the kocksure klimate kalamity klowns cite scientists and/or experts but never name them?
    Why don’t those spurts, if they exist at all, not want to be identified?
    At least our main mann owns his nonsense

    • arn says:

      They also never say what the actual security threat is.
      What does the volume of arctic ice has to do with americas security?

      And they also never do a single thing to counter real threats of potential negative warming effects.
      No plans to increase and secure food production ,
      built more reservoirs,water pipelines, dessalination plants etc – they do nothing.
      What they do is worsening the situation by attacking energy
      production and food supply,
      instead of going for the existing co2 free solution – nuclear power they go for the crap solution.

      The only field they actually do something in terms of climate change protection is in terms of sea level rise – they built huge front beach properties to protect the rest of us.
      The strange thing is that they built the protection walls always on the wrong 3 sides but never ever on the beach side.

  5. Kerry was once informed that CO2 levels were much higher in the past, to which he responded that there were no humans then. Apparently human caused CO2 is uniquely harmful, because it is harmful to the depopulation agenda, which didn’t exist in the geological past.

    • arn says:

      Another dude wth Kerry ‘s “logic” is the father of modern neomalthusians.

      Paul Ehrlich :He predicted since the 60ies
      that humanity will go extinct in several different ways( blue dust cloud,starvation,global cooling,global warming etc) by the year 2000
      but at the same time he said in 1968 :
      ” We can no longer afford merely to treat the CANCER of population growth ; the cancer itself must be cut out”.

      If you are so expert that you know that the CANCER will die in half a dozen
      ways within the next 3 decades – why care and develop strategies to get rid of the cancer?
      No need to write several books about depopulation methods when humanity is a problem that will solve itself?

      He did not believe in any of his predictions(just like AGW scientists) – that’s why he never bought a house far away to ” survive” the end of humanity.
      And AGW, just as the Virus and vanccines only exist to fight the CANCER.

  6. Francis Barnett says:

    ‘Coal Man’ John Kerry ambushed by entire Rebel News team – The former U.S. secretary of state was questioned about his own carbon footprint on the streets of Davos, Switzerland during this year’s World Economic Forum.

    By Sheila Gunn Reid

    At the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, where global elites gather to lecture you about how to live smaller, colder, poorer lives, Rebel News caught John Kerry, the former so-called climate czar of the United States, red-handed in his own high-carbon hypocrisy.

    Kerry was all smiles until we started asking the tough questions.

    When we asked him about Donald Trump’s decision to pull out of the Paris Accord, he dismissed it like it didn’t matter. “We all expected him to do that,” he muttered. But that wasn’t the real story. The real story was what happened next.

    When asked point-blank: How did you get here, Mr. Kerry? Did you fly commercial? He fumbled. “Partway,” he admitted. But when pressed, he couldn’t hide it. Of course, he flew on a private jet. The man who lectures the world on cutting carbon emissions is jet-setting to Davos, leaving a carbon footprint the size of a small country.

    It gets better.

    Kerry revealed he works for Galvanize Climate Solutions, funded by billionaire Tom Steyer. You know, the guy who made his fortune in coal. Old King Coal himself. And here’s John Kerry, pocketing that coal money while telling you to turn down your thermostat.

    Oh, and where was he going? Into a building sponsored by the United Arab Emirates—yes, OPEC’s UAE, funded by oil and gas.

    These elites think they’re untouchable. They preach sacrifice for you while they fly private jets, rake in coal money, and live lives of unimaginable luxury. It’s disgusting.

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