Lowest In 7.5 Billion Years

Last year on July 27, academics announced that Antarctic sea ice extent was the lowest in 7.5 billion years, and that “vast regions of the Antarctic coastline were ice free for the first time in the observational record.”

“we’d expect to see a winter like this about once every 7.5 billion years.

vast regions of the Antarctic coastline were ice free for the first time in the observational record.”

Antarctic sea ice levels dive in ‘five-sigma event’, as experts flag worsening consequences for planet – ABC News

There was a small region along the Antarctic Peninsula with no ice.

Now there are unusually large amounts of ice around the Antarctic Peninsula, and ice has grown a record rate over the past week.


About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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10 Responses to Lowest In 7.5 Billion Years

  1. arn says:

    How is it even possible with (officially) only 4 decades of records (inofficially since the Nimbus satellites started 60 years ago)
    to determine a one in 7.5 billion years event on a 4.5 billion years old planet on a continent we didn’t even know about until 200 years ago which was almost all of its time located in warm regions and was victim of an extreme climate change just 12000 years ago ( 5 Sigma events seem to be an annual thing in Antarctica and they were probably a daily even on earth when the moon was created ) .

    • roaddog says:

      I suspect the Vikings were measuring ice extent long before Columbus arrived. So that would take us back about, what, 7 or 800 years?

  2. conrad ziefle says:

    Well they may be good at math, but their science is shitty. Didn’t Earth form about 5 billion years ago? What morons!

    • Bob G says:

      that was recently updated that the Earth is older than we first thought. in other words the experts were wrong by only 3 billion years. lol

    • dm says:

      Assigning a 5 sigma designation to recent sea ice developments can NOT be science because it clashes with reality.

      4.54 billion years is currently Earth’s official age. That is LESS THAN the 7.5 billion years consistent with the 5 sigma designation. So, what has actually occurred in Antartica wrecks the 5 sigma designation.

      During those 4.54 billion years, Antartica spent much of its time elsewhere as part of Gondwana, Pangea and perhaps other supercontinents. Or, drifting away from supercontinents.

      The 1st glaciation occurred about 360 million years ago, and it ENDED by 250 million years ago. So, recent developments have a precedent, and that precedent is more profound in terms of severity and duration. That precedent wrecks the 5 sigma designation.

      Antartica’s weather then ranged from hot & dry to moderately chill until perhaps 34 million years ago. Antartica then began to change into a frozen desert.

      It is doubtful climatologists know enough about those 34 million years to do reliable sigma calculations. Modern man has had a year round presence on Antartica for only a few decades. The outdoor exploration season is LESS than 5 months (late Oct thru March or so, and horrendous weather keeps researchers INside much of the time). And, ONLY PART of the research effort is relevant to weather / climate.

      Scotty, beam climate alarmists to the South Pole and leave them there year round. That may be the only way they adapt to reality.

  3. Denis Rushworth says:

    “Last year on July 27, academics announced that Antarctic sea ice extent was the lowest in 7.5 billion years”

    Truly remarkable. So it must have been over 7,500,000,000 or more years ago when the entire continent was ice-free and land plant and critter fossils found there in recent years were formed. I was unaware that land trees and critters (other than perhaps single cell ones) existed at that time. You learn something new every day. I am sure the world’s paleo biologists are amazed!

  4. Bob G says:

    there are two things that keep me awake at night. worrying about how hot it’s going to be in Las Vegas tomorrow and worrying about how much ice and snow is in Antarctica. lol. :-). and I live a thousand feet above sea level. which makes one wonder how do those multi-millionaire liberals who live on Martha’s Island and at Palm Beach Florida sleep? me thinks they don’t buy their own BS

  5. Now we see the consequences of pouring huge sums of money into the research so that incompetents and idiots can gain spurious qualifications which empowers them to exclude their intellectual superiors as ‘deniers’. This must be the case, as the ‘consensus’ must be dominated by the mediocre, by virtue of the shape of the bell curve. A debate which excludes opposition has no place in science, because without opposition ‘science’ degenerates into dogma and superstition. Welcome to idiocracy.

    • arn says:

      You are wrong on this one.

      It is not the mediocre they are looking for.

      It is the trash.
      Mediocre people may have or develop independent thoughts and tendencies, uncompetitive losers won’t.
      They will kiss the butts of those who gave them the chance to make money forever as they are fully aware that they are lost,just as their jobs, without assistance.(this even works in the highest positions as Biden and Kamala are proving.
      Biden knows he is lost without assistance and Kamala knows that she can’t even get 2% of votes without her Wall Street bosses nor that she deserves,as result of no experience and succes, any high ranking government position)

      That’s what DEI is for.
      100% of them will go along with everything that is part of the agenda without ever asking any questions – be it politics, climate,journalism etc.

      Mediocre people deliver mediocre results.
      Shitty people deliver shitty results – and that’s what we are dealing with.

  6. Richard E Fritz says:

    where has Greta been hiding ? She has to hiding in a cave making up predictions with assistance of weed and magic mushrooms

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