Michael Mann Forecast Update

Last month, Michael Mann was blocking people for saying that Biden would be replaced.

A few days earlier he predicted a record 33 named Atlantic storms.

So far there have been five, and none in the forecast.

Weather Street: 2024 Atlantic Hurricanes and Tropical Storms

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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20 Responses to Michael Mann Forecast Update

  1. Greg in NZ says:

    ‘Democracy and the planet are now literally on the line.’

    Whoops – there goes another Mannerism™?.

    It appears ‘democracy and the planet’ not only passed the mythical ‘tipping point’, they fell flat on their farce, figuratively speaking.

  2. arn says:

    His political forcasts are as accurate as his climate related ones.
    An expert in all disciplines.
    (and probably the only person besides Biden who did not know that Biden was going to be replaced – Biden has at least a dementia-related excuse )

    And now that Biden has been couped out of presidency by the same billionaires who stopped Trump from getting into the white house in 2020
    and who almost got rid of both presidential candidates within a few days if they’d have hired a better sniper (quiet a demonstration of oligarchic power) to replace both with 2 female proxies (Niki Healey cried for 3 weeks straight after Crooks missed and she gave her young leader award back after the WEF broke its presidential promise)
    – democracy is saved for Mann.

    But I’m pretty sure that the number of storms will reach 33 in Dec. the exact same way Kamala went from most unpopular(and unknown and invisible) vize president in history to leader of the presidential race just because the billionaires club says so.

    Just as they said that she is no longer the first indian american senator but the first female African American presidential candidate – quiet an accomplishment for a family member of the irish Hamilton Brown slave holder dynasty.

    • Bob G says:

      speaking of billionaires, I heard that the reason the expected riots in Chicago have been pretty tame so far is because billionaire George Soros isn’t funding the protesters. when you’re not getting paid to be an ass, that takes a lot of the fun out of it. George should have been deported for all the trouble he funded in 2020.

      • arn says:

        Yeah – and noone delivered and placed pallets of brandnew cobblestones for the protesters to start mostly peacefull protests as George didn’t pay for them.
        The massive presence of policemen to protect the defund the police party from its own people is also quiet interessting.

        Considering that most of the protesters are democrats
        one wonders where kamalla is actually getting her votes from?

    • Tel says:

      The word you are looking for is “wrongologist”.

      The polite way to say it would be, “Probably useful as a contrary indicator.”

  3. conrad ziefle says:

    Man that Mann is so bright. Who listens to this consummate loser?

  4. Gamecock says:

    Weather Channel going nuts over FUTURE hurricanes.

    “Yeah, not much this year, but you just wait. You’ll see! By mid September, you won’t even remember this quiet period.”

    • Bob G says:

      of course they’ll be a flock of hurricanes coming soon. with our new advanced technology we can study a storm that’s 100 miles in diameter and if we find one tiny wind gust in the middle of it, stretching maybe a hundred yards wide, and that wind gust hits 75 mph, by golly that’s a hurricane. inflation isn’t something that only happens with the cost of goods and services!

  5. Bob G says:

    Michael Mann just predicted that the Minnesota Vikings are going to win the super bowl in 2025! he’s so good at predicting I’m going to bet the house on this one! :-). I was reading something about the huge lake Powell reservoir on the Colorado River. the current article talked about how the reservoir has dropped tremendously over the past 20 some years due to climate change. they ignored that the last couple years it’s rebounded a lot but still below average. so there you have it, climate change caused a drop in precipitation on the Colorado plateau but only 500 miles away in the state of North Dakota climate change did just the opposite, they’ve had a 30-year wet cycle and landlocked devils lake tells the tale as it’s been near record highs for a couple decades, but it’s not just northeastern North Dakota it’s the whole state that got wetter. I don’t have Michael Mann’s resume but isn’t it possible in fact more than likely that these are cycles and they will flip back eventually. but that doesn’t draw a big headline.

    • Gamecock says:

      I don’t know about Lake Powell, but just downstream at Lake Mead, the problem is Man sucking too much water out of it, most of it wasted on Californians.

  6. Bob Gutjahr says:

    Hate to kill the party, but it does look like storms and hurricanes are ahead of last year, so far.

  7. Bob Gutjahr says:

    Last I checked, science was about looking at the observed data, not projected data.

    I see that forecasts aren’t showing much activity, but shouldn’t we wait until the numbers are in before popping the corks?

    It seems to me a lot of time on this site is spent on dissing bad forecasts. We really don’t know what’s might happen as we move to the end of the hurricane season. I would hate to see this site fall prey to another bad forecast.

    • Bob G says:

      From one Bob to another I can tell you what’s going to happen…. here’s a forecast you can take to the bank. our continent is going to get hit by Atlantic hurricanes over and over and over just like it has for thousands of years. doesn’t matter how many hurricanes hit us this year. if it’s low this year it’ll be high some other year. The cult of the trace gas be darned. the way to protect yourself from hurricanes is to avoid them. build farther away from the ocean.

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