My CT-Scan

I spent the weekend in the hospital after many months of severe pain, and they did a CT-Scan, where they discovered a massive cyst on my left kidney.  Two liters of fluid was then drained from the cyst and I am home feeling much better now.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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30 Responses to My CT-Scan

  1. dm says:

    Tony, get well soon!!!

  2. William says:

    Prayers and best wishes for a full recovery. You can’t be sick Mr Heller, your work is too important

  3. arn says:

    Iirc you already had some kidney issues(stones) some years ago?!

  4. The other Brad says:

    Good news.

  5. oeman50 says:

    Holy cyst! Anything that big is bound to get you down.

    Here’s to a speedy recovery, Tony.

  6. Trevor says:

    Sorry to hear of your health problems. Best wishes and prayers for a fix and recovery.

  7. Robertvd says:

    Best wishes . We can’t miss you in the fight.

  8. Brad-DXT says:

    Glad you are feeling better. We need your input to fight against the establishment narrative.
    I attribute your ailment to a Jack Daniels deficiency. Maybe you could work on that with me sometime.
    Good luck and God bless.

  9. Bob G says:

    That before x-ray is almost as scary as a Harris Walz presidency! hoping for a quick recovery!

  10. Michael Abbott says:

    Best wishes for a speedy recovery.

  11. Russell Cook says:

    Gracious, glad you are better, was wondering what would cause such a gap in your blog posting. Did they say what brings on such conditions?

    Hope never to be afflicted that way. Contrary to my critics’ claims that I’m the recipient of boxes of Exxon money, I’m operating on meager savings and can’t afford health care insurance (freely given to illegals, though; I should renounce my citizenship, self-identify as a Venezuelan trans-something, get a grant to write a paper on Clima-Change™ refugees, then I’d be set for life).

  12. Alastair says:

    Wishing you a speedy recovery.

  13. GW says:

    Ditto to all of the above !

  14. Bruce of Newcastle says:

    Best wishes Tony, that you had that in you for so long is surreal. Yikes!

  15. conrad ziefle says:

    Best wishes. But please get to the doctor sooner when things aren’t right.
    Also, someone needs to volunteer to be Tony’s apprentice. Not me, I’m older than he is. Someone young needs to step up.

  16. Laurie says:

    Doctors here demonstrated utter ambivalence when I developed a kidney stone at 38.5 years of age – a year and a half (!) later they finished the job of destroying the kidney itself. No exaggeration. My BP has been 230 + / 145. I don’t know how I’m still alive, but I am thankful for that…

    Best to you Tony. Turn to Christ! Farewell.

  17. John B says:

    Best wishes Tony. My story: I suffered a Pulmonary Embolism on June 4th at a shopping centre and my heart stopped. I guess I was dead for a short time until revived by security (obviously trained in CPR) and assisted later by ambulance officers. I spent one week in the hospital where they noticed a small spot on my pancreas after one of the scans I underwent. This was confirmed by a later PET scan. Next step is a biopsy which is scheduled soon. Up to this event (on June 4) I thought I was a fairly healthy individual at 79 years old- regularly exercised with weights and one hour walks- still surfed in Indonesia when I could. Doctors cannot be certain why I suffered the lower leg clotting that went to my lungs and stopped the blood flow to my heart. All they tell me is that possibly this tumour on my pancreas caused it. In other words, they are guessing. I am on blood thinning medication at this time and hoping it’s not a cancerous tumour. I owe my life to a few unknown strangers and God’s will.

    • conrad ziefle says:

      Is it confirmed to be a tumor? I have several cysts in my pancreas, that have remained not cancerous for about 4 years. I hope yours is something like that, and not a tumor. Best wishes. You’ve been through a lot.

    • Disillusioned says:

      Prayers and best wishes John.

  18. Francis Barnett says:

    Glad that you are back with us Tony, leading the fight against the commie lies.

  19. dearieme says:

    Best wishes, Mr Heller. I hope you’re soon back to full fighting form.

  20. roaddog says:

    Best wishes for a speedy recovery! I hope the healthcare system here in Cheyenne treated you well.

  21. Peter Carroll says:

    I wondered why you had disappeared. Sorry to hear about that cyst but glad to see you on the mend. I wish you a speedy and full recovery.

  22. Ulric Lyons says:

    Wow 2 liters is a massive volume! Glad you are feeling relieved. Try find some Artemisia abrotanum (Southernwood), tea made with it is super soothing on sore kidneys.

  23. Rud Istvan says:

    Just lost my significant other of 24 years end May to her acute pneumonia. She lasted two weeks in ICU, intubated on ventilator 3 different times, relapsed after put on respirator each time. General newly hard learned advice: when in doubt, get to a competent doctor/hospital pronto.

  24. Disillusioned says:

    My hopes and prayers for you were/are already in. VERY GLAD you’re improving.

  25. Joe says:

    Two liters?? holy smokes, how does that even happen?
    Glad you’re okay!

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