Orwellian NASA Maps

The most active US hurricane season was 1886, when Texas was hit by four hurricanes and Florida was hit by three, yet according to NASA’s very detailed (and fake) global temperature map, Atlantic temperatures were quite cool.

gt_1886_720x360.jpg (720×360)

How do they create these very detailed maps with almost no temperature data?

Data.GISS: GISS Surface Temperature Analysis (v4): Station Data

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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21 Responses to Orwellian NASA Maps

  1. arn says:

    They only have forest fire data since 1981 and arctic data since 1979
    but they know global ocean temperatures since 1984 … 1886.
    When you do not know what is currently happening in front of your door but know how the temperature was 140 years ago 15000 miles away.
    And while nowadays experts from 100 years ago are considered to have been too dumb to read thermometers they were somehowskilled enough to measure water temperatures 🙂

    Time ( and temperature) seems to be way more relative than we previously thought.
    It is not only relative to the observer but to the agenda too.

  2. Bob G says:

    interesting. the world used to be painted in blue and now it’s painted in red. I had no idea. something big was missing in last night’s speech by Kommyla Harris. what happened to the green New deal? the green New deal which was going to replace fossil fuels and was going to create a million jobs and was going to save the planet because we only had 12 years left. recall five and a half years ago that genius New York congresswoman AOC told us … well here’s the exact quote…”The world is going to end in 12 years if we don’t address climate change,’ Ocasio-Cortez says”. apparently climate change has been addressed because it wasn’t even brought up last night except to say Harris is for clean water and Air… but some of us have not forgotten. I could not sleep last night because I realized we’ve only got six and a half years left and then the world ends! lol. do these people ever pay a price for being wrong? No. not yet. Kommyla did say she’s going to lend us 25k to buy a house because they’ve gotten so expensive. how generous of her. Biden Harris big spending caused inflation which drove house prices up $125k, but never mind, she’s going to lend you the 25. she’s got my vote – NOT.

  3. arn says:

    During her time as attorney general Kamala
    disowned the descendants of Nina Simones family.(and gave everything to her white friends according to Simones family.)
    despite the fact(at least according to Reanne Simone) that the inheritance and estate were french(=no subject to US law) and no wrong doing was committed
    and that her mother was bullied by Harris out of ownership.
    They now no longer have any rights to music nor estate
    of Nina Simone.

    • Greg in NZ says:

      Strange Fruit… still hanging in the trees.


      When you’ve got zero to offer, shout ‘do something’, it always excites the hysterics.

  4. Scott Allen says:

    From the NASA JPL website
    “SYSTEM ALERT: August 5, 2024 – GHRSST MODIS Aqua L2P SST resumed

    Since August 2 the GHRSST MODIS Aqua L2P SST dataset (https://doi.org/10.5067/GHMDA-2PJ19), has resumed the forward stream production. Missing data from July 7 to August 1 will be created at a later time.”



    They are not even trying to hide the fact that they ‘create’ data now

  5. conrad ziefle says:

    In the murder mystery shows, don’t the good guys catch the bad guys by finding evidence that conflicts with the bad guys’ stories? Do the guys at NASA ever watch these shows and wonder if some sets of data (hurricanes or other) will end up in conflict with their temperature data manipulations.

    • arn says:

      You assume that there are good guys at NASA?
      (my guess is that the good guys were all sent to the moon and since then…)

  6. Bob G says:

    update on our adventurous crew piloting the good sailboat Lumi, attempting to traverse the Northwest passage. they’ve been parked for a week due to being blocked by a lot of ice, but improving everyday. yesterday they took a chance and sailed through about 50 miles of 10 to 30% ice cover. they made it through and it looks like they’re home free. in a couple weeks they’ll be in Greenland giving a press conference where they talk about how much the Arctic has changed due to increased CO2 levels. Bank on it. in other news there’s still a lot of ice in far Western Hudson Bay and it’ll be there for at least another week. it’s one of the latest dates for ice but it won’t make the news, except maybe in Churchill Manitoba

  7. Bob G says:

    zerohedge.com has a nice article on the unexpected rapid cooling going on in parts of the Atlantic Ocean. https://www.zerohedge.com/weather/atlantic-oceans-sudden-cooling-baffles-climate-scientists-have-they-ever-heard-la-nina

    • arn says:

      The current strange thing, or lets call it ” violation of internal AGW logic”
      is that they blame more hurricanes etc on boiling Oceans
      (our BFF Mann who became overnight a storm expert is currently trying to exploit the shift towards La Nina which usually results in stormy weather).

      But if the Atlantic is cooling – how can we get more hurricanes then?

  8. arn says:

    a little bit of info from the other orwellian religion


    • Bob G says:

      apparently different parts of the country got different kinds of doses. Wayne Allen Root lives in Las Vegas and he says he knows dozens of people that had adverse reactions to the vaccine and some died. I live in central Minnesota and I don’t know anybody that had an adverse reaction. knock on wood. but I do know a guy who was killed by remdesivir – kidney failure.

      • arn says:

        John Campbell had a video 2 years ago,
        showing how different badges of vaccines caused different (or no) adverse reactions.
        And it was not that the bad badges were only in the beginning.
        They also appeared later on almost periodically, be it moderna or pfizer.

        Overall,it seems,when we take a look at celebrities and sportsmen, way more people suffered from the “vaccines” than from covid.

        I wonder where and why all those dogooders suddenly disappeared who were so obsessed to save us from covid.
        On the other hand they never gave a crap for decades about
        the massive increase in allergic reactions,autism,diabetes etc etc, so it is safe to say that there goodness has state and corporate roots – and not humanistic ones.

      • Disillusioned says:

        Autophagy – the cleaning out damaged mitochondria and rebuilding healthy mitochondria is showing a lot of promise. It can occur by eating one meal a day (known as intermittent fasting) for an extended period of time (it becomes a lifestyle adaptation), which is also helped greatly by a low-to-zero carbohydrate (meaning zero sugar), high animal fat diet (preferably ruminants, but pork, seafood and fowl are also good).

        Autophagy also occurs during prolonged fasts after the body has entered the stage of ketosis, which makes fasting extremely easy. When fasting is easy, the repairing is occurring. I was very busy with things to do and missed a meal earlier this week – I just wasn’t hungry and had no desire to eat and was abounded with energy. So I practically accidentally skipped another day of eating – I ate after 48 hours even though I was still not hungry. (I do intend to do a prolonged fast – longer than 24-hours – approximately once a month.)

        Another sure sign of progress is after the body has keto-adapted – ketone dumping no longer shows up on urine test strips. In my case, that happened after two (2) months in constant ketosis (constantly maroon color vanished). During all my earlier Atkins/low-carb/keto attempts over the past four decades, I never stuck it out long enough to see that occur, until this summer. My body was finally utilizing (instead of dumping) all of the ketones it was making.

        After approximately one year of eating low-to-no carb (20g or less per day), most bodies become electrolyte-adapted, meaning their body is no longer dumping necessary electrolytes into the urine. In a week, it will be 6 months strictly eating this way, so I am still supplementing with fasting salts (but I need much less than at first). Two signs of electrolyte adaptation: 1.) no more leg cramps if one forgets to supplement with fasting salts before bed. #2.) No more need to salt your food (the meat actually tastes perfectly salty by itself, and salting it makes it taste too salty).

        Whether one is wanting to heal from the many chronic illnesses caused by the SAD (Standard American) diet, and/or heal from damage caused by BigPharmaceuticals or alcohol use, I believe there is a pathway. I have gained muscles, lost body fat, lost aches and pains, lowered my BP and gained boundless energy with this lifestyle. We must take our health into our own hands. And it begins by what we put into our bodies. I am 100% convinced of this. Because of what is happening to me and my body.

        So, if one took the jabs, I think there just may be a pathway to mitochondrial damage repair.

  9. Bob G says:

    uncomfortable hot humid weather has finally arrived in Minnesota. although we’ve had a warm comfortable summer we haven’t had a hot summer, very few 90s. this weekend we’re having highs in the upper 80s with high humidity. tonight’s low is going to be in the low 70s and that’s close to a record high low. one must enjoy it as cooler September weather is almost here.

  10. Richard E Fritz says:

    the simple truth is Democrats in USA are in line with UN wanting to control mankind – the left has removed sense from Government and replaced with DEI agenda driven hires part of Socialist agenda. as a new nation struggled the US joined together to stop WWI and WWII – the USA boomed after WWII & Greatest generation spawned the WORST Generation and like the Socialists in EU and UK after WWII which they contributed little to WIN began their take over – as life gets easier the worst generation gave us the Gen Z, BLM, DEI, Liz Warren of the Slap A Hoe tribe and AOC who had to be the love child of Pelosi and Mueller – the Al Gore’s Mann’s & Greta are driven by Greed & Avarice- the AOC’s and Slap A Hoes are driven by POWER & as Long as Media is onboard with the Green Old SCAM we will never see an end to government agencies pushing an idea not facts

    • conrad ziefle says:

      I think that research would show that the Marxist virus has been hanging around in the US, probably the world, since the early 1900s. When it was popularized by Lenin, it had its fans here as well. It is a wonderful tonic for the simple-minded, those who fail and blamed their failure on the successful and society in general. After WW2, the urbanization and ubiquitous education of the US began in earnest. Science and technology rapidly improved the lives of almost everyone, and kids grew up in neighborhoods divorced from the land and the struggle of their ancestors. The educational system became penetrated by the Marxist, and slowly kids began to think that the economic engine would always be there and had always been there, regardless of what they did, and that it could be mistreated and it would still continue to belch out bounty. Non-workers and dissidents could eat as well as workers and inventors, and that they could just usurp the “patents” of others and acquire all the associated benefits. Kamala Harris is the perfect amoral, mindless Marxist non-achiever.

  11. Bruce of Newcastle says:


    ‘The tropics are broken:’ So where are all the Atlantic hurricanes? (USA Today, 26 Aug, via Lucianne)

    The 2024 hurricane season is not going as predicted – yet.

    So far this year there have been more storms in the Pacific than the Atlantic, including the three spinning now, and that’s a surprise, forecasters say. In addition, it has been eerily calm in the Atlantic over the past week or so as we approach what’s traditionally the busiest time of the season.

    “It is quiet out there,” Colorado State University meteorologist Phil Klotzbach told USA TODAY on Monday. “I certainly wasn’t expecting this when we put out our most recent seasonal forecast.

    “We haven’t had a named storm since Ernesto dissipated on Aug. 20, and the National Hurricane Center currently forecasts no additional storm formations for the next seven days.”

    The models, they aren’t working! It’s a mystery.

    • Bob G says:

      if a storm is needed call my ex-wife, she can stir one up. she’s good at cold fronts too.

    • Disillusioned says:

      Yeah, not a mystery. In my opinion, they are not surprised in the least. Why? Because the models never work. Never. They aren’t supposed to work. Only the prediction is what is paramount. Not the result. Fruition is irrelevant.

      They are paid to generate fear through forecasts that they know will never come true. They never get called out for their sensational boners, which are endless – week after week, month after month, year after year. They are keenly aware that it is only the news cycle which is paramount – that MSM presstitutes will shout their predictions from the rooftops and then will be silent after their predictions fail. Their failed predictions are buried as the cycle repeats again and again.

      Their collective butts are covered by the MSM, by their complicit “peers”, by their continued funding, by complicit government agencies, by complicit politicians, by globalist NGOs such as the UN IPCC, by the WEF, the CFR, the Bilderbergers working in tandem with governments and complicit government “partners”, aka mega-corporations, in bed with governments pushing for global governance as their newest, paid ‘studies’ and dire projections are continuously unleashed on the unsuspecting publics through the complicit media again and again, ad nauseam.

      Either I am a wacko conspiracy theorist, or I have been witnessing the same patterns repeat themselves over and over since 2009, when I first began to awaken from my stupor.

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