Painting The World Red

NOAA measured land temperatures in July were a mixture of warm and cold, but NOAA tampered with the data to create a bright red map.

202407.png (990×765)

map-percentile-mntp-202407.png (990×765)

The next map masks off the claimed ocean temperatures. NOAA erased the cold in Australia, Africa. South America, Alaska and Siberia, and they created imaginary heat in Greenland, Africa, Antarctica, and many other places.



NOAA claims to know what earth’s temperature was in 1850, despite having no data for more than 90% of the planet.

July 2024 Global Climate Report | National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI)



About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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14 Responses to Painting The World Red

  1. conrad ziefle says:

    When they say record temperature (bright red) for the oceans, do they mean the highest temperature they have had in the 30 years for which they have records? It’s pretty meaningless even if they didn’t tamper with the data.

  2. Bob G says:

    notice how they have Western Hudson Bay shaded in the second from the warmest color of red, which means much above average. so please explain to me why there’s still about 5,000 square miles of ice in that part of Hudson Bay? update on the Lumi sailboat attempting to traverse the Northwest passage. they have a new Facebook post. they admit they’re blocked by the ice. apparently they’re now not expecting a melt anytime soon and they’re instead now hoping for winds that will open up a channel through the ice. either way I think it’d be dangerous to enter that pack ice. a week from now things could look a lot different… we’ll see. in the meantime I would appreciate a post by them that states that the death of Summer Arctic ice seems to be greatly exaggerated

    • conrad ziefle says:

      What was that two boat British expedition that did that, and then it all collapsed on them, and they all eventually starved to death?

    • Francis Barnett says:

      I just watched a couple of videos of the Lumi people, and I have to say that they seem to know what they are doing, having done some small boat sailing got a coastal nav cert, and worked in the marine industry for a long while.
      There is a video here of them co-ordinating a rescue of some folks who got their 20 foot outboard powered skiff pooped by the swell landing on a beach in some godforsaken part of Alaska.
      I just hope that they decide that their project is a no-go due to the pack.
      Some previous explorers didn’t, and paid the price.

  3. Greg in NZ says:

    Pffft, red schmed: down here, our venerable high priests of govt-funded mediocrity have issued YELLOW SNOW alerts for various high-country farming regions and alpine ski resorts, with 1/2 a metre (knee-deep) of ‘gobull warming powder’ in the forecast overnight.

    Surely at least ONE person from New Zealand MetService listened to Frank Zappa in their youthful university days… or maybe not. I’ve always kept a weary eye out for huskies whenever I’m in the mountains: so far so good.

    • Bob G says:

      did you mean Saint Bernards? with a jug of booze around their necks? I read the other day that New Zealand is losing population. I guess that happens when you have a far left government. we have one here in Minnesota and our population has all of a sudden stagnated. never happened before.

      • conrad ziefle says:

        Makes sense to me when you consider how long the school nurses have been sewing winkies shut and chopping wongs off.

      • arn says:

        Stagnation and then regress(in all fields-economic,cultural,population) are pretty normal when you get far left governments.

        Go woke go broke can literally be observed everywhere.
        The strange thing is – despite all this (the MSM is losing customers large scale and they stop voting democrats and never come back)
        it simply will not manifest in election result as long as there are digital election machines.
        They will,just like climate models deliver always the same woke results.
        Just as AI.
        They all are literally the same;
        just as NBC,BBC,CNN,Biden,Obama and now Harris.

        They all use the same code.

    • Disillusioned says:

      Good one Greg. Surely. But likely be retired by now. I was in high school when Zappa released it.

      FRANK ZAPPA * Don’t Eat The Yellow Snow 1974

  4. Caleb Shaw says:

    Sad thing is that they miss the fact the Pole was colder than expected last summer. There are interesting things happening, but they are not allowed to be interested. Instead their job is to paint all red. It must be rough, if they have any sort of scientific thinking alive in their skulls. A mind is a terrible thing to waste.

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