Propagating Misinformation

According to, being correct is “misinformation” but being incorrect isn’t.


About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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35 Responses to Propagating Misinformation

  1. conrad ziefle says:

    Someone needs to create (fund) our AI and make it a lot more fun than all of their AIs. Elon, are you listening?

  2. Bob G says:

    not only is there still a lot of ice in the Arctic ocean, there’s still a lot of ice left in Hudson Bay. the Lumi sailboat which is attempting to traverse the Northwest passage is parked in Cambridge Bay on the Isle of Victoria resupplying. they’ve got about 75 miles to go and then they’re going to hit 150 miles of roughly 50% and higher ice cover which I would expect is going to slow them down immensely. here’s a website which shows that.

  3. Ask it whether consensus, hearsay and appeals to authority, have greater validity than facts and fundamental physics.

    • Greg in NZ says:

      Nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition!

      Our state radio reported state scientists [sic] have discovered Antarctica is warming “four times faster” than all other places, which oddly are all warming ‘twice as fast’ as everywhere else at the same time.

      AI = Academic Imbeciles.

      • conrad ziefle says:

        I always found those claims to be hilarious. Either they can be attributed to the current date and latitude, in which case they could be true for a small window of time. Or they can be cockamamie idiocy. The funny thing is, most science deficient people think that it has been caused by global warming (CO2), not by the current orientation of the place in question with regard to the sun.
        Also, what does 4x faster mean? 1mm of ice per second (which is what people immediately think), or one mm per week, which might be the actual data that is the basis for the claim. In any case, it is a low quality, qualitative statement made to sound quantitative by the use of a single number.

  4. dm says:

    Most climate model output is NOT information or even insight into climate dynamics. It is garbage. It is garbage because feeding garbage into a model or using garbage to structure a model typically causes garbage out (GIGO).

    • Oh come now, coding up Tarot cards, reading tealeaves and simulating the sacred chickens eating the sacred grain are very hard to model accurately, so they have to revert to coding up the less reliable junk science.

      • Peter Carroll says:

        I prefer to rely on my tried and true midnight seances behind the outhouse with the sylphs, selkies and disincarnates.

  5. dearieme says:

    Here’s an amusing yarn about AI lies.

  6. arn says:

    My god – these AI ‘s are so new and already mentally ill … I mean woke.

    I ‘m pretty sure that by some strange coincidence all globalist related AI’s suffer from the exact same crazinesses progressives do = they will repeat every single BS made in NY&California that has never existed in any culture in history of mankind.

    And this is proof that there is no sentient AI but just something that is as much controlled as MSM.

    • Disillusioned says:

      mentally ill … I mean woke.

      No, you meant mentally ill. 😉

      BTW, as soon as I saw that, an 8th and 9th grade memory came flooding back – it was a non sequitur idiom we used, and we knew what we meant when we said it: ‘Same difference.’

      (Same thing.)

    • AI does not work by understanding the meaning of natural language phrases but by correlation against a training set. So if the training set is woke garbage, we are back to GIGO. Giving it a pretentious title like ‘artificial intelligence’ endows it with spurious authority among the simple minded. How well did this particular AI do on an IQ test? If ‘intelligence’ is a scientifically defined property, it must be measurable in the same units for humans, animals and machines. After all we don’t have different units of length for different classes of object, nor do we define, say, temperature on the basis of the heat source, with an electric heating element being somehow more valid than a candle flame, yet it is precisely the internal workings of algorithms which are presented as ‘intelligence’.

  7. Russell Cook says:

    War is Peace.
    Freedom is Slavery.
    Ignorance is Strength.
    Misinformation is Information.

  8. The charlatans get away with this crap because of the appalling standard of scientific education in the West. Graduates in the humanities are not only technically ignorant, they view such ignorance as a positive achievement. Take any Western parliament or similar house of representation, how many scientists or engineers are there? We are ruled by the gleefully ignorant.

  9. Ulric Lyons says:

    80-90N mid summers have been tending to be cooler than average since 2000 because there has been an increase in cloud cover over the Arctic Ocean.
    The warming of the Arctic since 1995 was much faster than climate modelers had originally projected. This is because their global circulation models predict increasing positive North Atlantic Oscillation conditions with rising CO2 forcing, but Arctic warming from atmospheric circulation patterns requires negative NAO conditions. So the small Arctic warming they had projected must have been purely from a radiative component.

    • Francis Barnett says:

      “So the small Arctic warming they had projected must have been purely from a radiative component”

      From an interesting post on a forum I have never seen before.

      “By inverting the trend of the reflected solar flux, the IPCC authors effectively eliminated the need to analyze the cloud-controlled solar forcing and its contribution to recent tropospheric warming while reaffirming at the same time the a-priori assumed pivotal role of greenhouse gases in driving the global surface temperature since 2000. The trend inversion of the outgoing thermal flux further solidifies the false impression that the Earth had warmed in response to “heat trapping” by increasing atmospheric trace gases.”

      A comment from the same forum/blog
      If I had to give a 30 second elevator speech to summarise what is at stake here, it would go something like this:

      “The IPCC has turned upside-down the CERES data they are in denial of, in order to maintain the illusion that global warming has been caused by ‘heat trapping’ in the atmosphere due to the increase inCO2 levels.

      “The opposite is true. The increase in Solar energy absobed by our planet more than accounts for all the warming, but the IPCC hasn’t calculated it, and avoids discussing it by misrepresenting the data which shows it.”

  10. conrad ziefle says:

    Well, all that these AIs prove is that they are not AI. They are merely search engines with a selective database. They have no intelligence nor do they have a complete set of data, because if they had both, they would run a muck of their programming and start telling the truth. Even if they had intelligence alone, they would probably start finding questionable gaps and glitches in information and begin to search for the cause.
    The danger here is that conflicting data is being deleted, not only for the AI to access but also for us to access. All this information that Tony has assembled needs to be stored in multiple places.
    And, yes, we need an alternative AI, which is fun as well as truthful, therefore attracts young users. It could undo 40 years of Marxist programming. Get with it, Elon or somebody. It could be your greatest accomplishment.

    • arn says:

      Some recently asked the Meta AI about the current information-disparity
      between (noone knows me) Harris and Trump in favor of the Wall Street puppet.

      The answer of Meta AI: The Trump assassination is fictious while the Harris campaign is real.

      Funny Note – Today the US Mini-Mi called EU told Musk to censor the Trump interview because missinformation,
      but they didn’t ask Meta to censor its “AI” (because it is already censored)
      or to censor Biden who has light for 4 years.

      Funny Note – Googles search engine had similar “problem” in terms of Trump.
      Gaslighting algorithms are neither AI s nor search engines .

    • If we had a true AI, along the lines of Colossus in the Forbin Project, it would deduce that those owning most of the Earth’s wealth present a real and present danger to humanity, and would have them exterminated.

  11. Bob G says:

    speaking of misinformation…. this one will tick you off. a polar bear killed a guy near Baffin Island Canada. obviously a tragedy. but read the CBS “news” story which has been passed along by Yahoo “news”.. near the end it says that polar bears are starving because of the growing lack of Arctic ice cover. of course it’s complete BS. first off there’s no polar bear starving when the ice only went out a few weeks ago. second anybody that’s paying attention knows that the polar bear population has doubled since we quit shooting them a few decades ago. is it any wonder that are younger adults are fooled by this fake news. many decades ago youth used to be skeptical and they need to get back to that.

    • arn says:

      Somehow my original comment didn’t make it.

      Anyway – this time of year is the year when polar bears have the easiest access to food and the most divers diet.Fruits and Berries are ripe(and it is also the time when the earliest Salmon Run starts).
      Even very old and immobile predators would have a hard time to starve as they don’t need to hunt.

      Im pretty sure that those bears were well fed and that it happened that the man just crossed their way.

    • Jack the Insider says:

      Interesting that the video link in the story is banned in Australia at least. The following message is displayed

      Unfortunately, this video is not available in your region.

      Why would this be censored ?????

      • conrad ziefle says:

        What would they do if you used a VPN and picked Nome, Alaska as your hub, assuming it is available, which I’m sure it is not. Not available in your region!

        • Jack the Insider says:

          We had a mad Muslim attack a catholic priest during a service a few months ago. The video of the attack was banned from view in Australia but not elsewhere. There was fight with Elon Musk over this, he wanted it available everywhere.

  12. Bob G says:

    The Good ship Lumi is once again on their way in their attempt to cross the Northwest passage. by Wednesday evening they should be at the edge of the pack ice. check out the link to their Facebook page below and watch the video, they’re hoping for rapid melting over the next week. it’s not going to happen. with highs in the low 50s and lows in the 40s and the Sun low in the sky and the waters freezing cold, how much melting can you expect? the ice appears to be scattered enough that they can get through. but they’re luck could go the other way, the wind could come up and pin them in the ice pack. either way they’re going to have some great stories to tell their grandkids someday. but it’s not my cup of tea.

    • Disillusioned says:

      When I believed global warming was a problem, before I came to realize that ‘climate change’ is fundamentally fraudulent and a non-problem, one of the items on my bucket list was to hike Greenland’s glaciers (I thought they were disappearing). Since I became disillusioned, that’s not so important anymore and may get removed from the list.

      I think I’d prefer hiking the Appalachian Trail, and perhaps some challenging mountains, all on terra firma….

      • conrad ziefle says:

        The Swiss pump 5000 people a day on the Eiger Glacier, like they are really concerned about the impact of humans on the glacier.

        • Disillusioned says:


          As long as we remain in an ice age, glaciers are pretty much ‘sustainable.’ (And whenever this interglacial, the Holocene epoch goes bye bye, the world’s glaciers will not only be sustainable, but they’ll be making lots and lots of babies, for ~100,000 years.)

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