“Science Not Dogma”

Arizona USHCN stations have recorded temperatures over 110F on 12,318 occasions since 1890, but “Science Not Dogma” says recent ones are caused by big oil.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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10 Responses to “Science Not Dogma”

  1. Richard E Fritz says:

    AOC and left wing scam is just to steal $1 trillion in fake Global Warming campaign yet NOT one peer reviewed PLAN in place how to spend the $$$

  2. arn says:

    So some arbitrary off the mill numbers are the climate desasters now?

    And oil and gas can spread misinformation?
    Maybe lithium batteries and windmills can too – the only explanation why these non-competitive energy desasters are so successfull.

  3. spren says:

    These people have taken stupidity to levels that should be regarded as criminal.

    They can’t actually believe this idiocy themselves, can they?

  4. Brian D says:

    There was a USCRN station (Phoenix 7S) for a short time S of Phoenix in the South Mountain park area. It was operational from Mar 2010 – May 2014 in the valley area there. The 3 full years of data show that station being 5dF cooler than the Phoenix airport.
    Phoenix 7S/Phoenix airport
    2011 70.2/75.2
    2012 71.7/76.7
    2013 70.8/75.9
    Incredible difference! No wonder they shut it down. Can’t have a robust dataset in a rural area busting the narrative.

    • Bob G says:

      I have reported the same phenomenon. and it doesn’t take a large city to have an urban heat island. I live just a few miles away from a metro area of 100,000 and it’s often 5° cooler here then in the city center. a month ago when Las Vegas was making the news with very high temperatures, nearby Boulder City was always a few degrees cooler.

  5. Could somebody supply me with a list of ‘deniers’ who are actually sponsored by Big Oil? The last time I looked they were people working on their own dime or university professors, or TV personalities like the late Dr David Bellamy, who was sacked by the BBC for daring to criticize the narrative. The big money is to be found in the alarmist camp. But of course, we mustn’t spoil a good story with facts.

    • conrad ziefle says:

      Global Warming proponents are the only ones with a sponsor, Big Government, with billions of dollars in grants.

  6. Gamecock says:

    ‘The bold campaign’

    I think this is the English English definition of bold: Full of s#it.

    I assume Fossil Fuel Media is one guy working out of his mother’s basement.

    • arn says:

      Fossil Fuel Media is like Global Warming – it only exists where it can not be observed.
      Inside leftie heads.
      Just as AGW ain’t happening in terms of sea level rise,melting arctic ice, food production,Hurricanes(they even redefined the categories just as they redefined what vanccines are)

      I can barely remember when I saw the last AGW critical article by a Media outlet with a relevant reach during the last 20 years,
      yet this dude sees them everywhere.
      Maybe that’s how people with Orwellian names are who call their dogma science.

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