Somebody Knows Why

Scientists are baffled about rapid cooling of the Atlantic Ocean.  I’m not baffled, because this was the core of Bill Gray’s thermohaline circulation theory.

Warm heavily saline water collects at the surface of the Atlantic Ocean. When it starts to cool, it becomes too dense to float.  Then it sinks and gets replaced by cold, less saline water from depth.  This cycle repeats over and over again.

Instead of listening to intellectual giants like Bill Gray, the press listens to mental midgets like Michael Mann.

Atlantic Niña: The Atlantic is cooling at record speed and nobody knows why | New Scientist

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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9 Responses to Somebody Knows Why

  1. Bob G says:

    Michael Mann isn’t a mental midget. He’s a smart con man laughing all the way to the bank. just like his accomplice Al Gore. meantime in central Minnesota, it looks like we’re going to have a record crop yield in the midst of our climate crisis. meantime in the Arctic the good sailboat Lumi is still blocked by ice…but…. if more ice doesn’t blow in from the north Northwest, it looks like in a few days they’ll be able to continue their adventure Eastward.

  2. arn says:

    The answer is obvious.
    Global Warming is causing the cooling as it also caused
    more snow after snow became a thing of the past.

    Spoiler Alert:
    The (AGW)impossible cooling of the Atlantic(Oceans absorbed most of AGW) may eventually result in less less rain and snow – and this will be blamed on AGW,as the failure of AGW predictions results in more AGW related doom and gloom.

  3. dm says:

    Cooling more rapidly than expected NOW. Several years ago, the oceans’ heat content exceeded expectations, and the “excess” heat was blamed for cooler than expected air temperatures.

    Climate alarmists obviously understand ocean dynamics too poorly to influence public policy.

    • arn says:

      They understand everything poorly – or not at all,
      because everything everywhere is warming two times faster than everywhere else in the world and they have to move goalposts all the time.

      And the fact that they even care to admitt something related to cooling
      means that they missed it,once again, by a thousand miles.

      If climate scientists would have been in charge of the moon landing
      they would have landed on the sun.

  4. Walter says:

    NewScientist magazine. I was a subscriber for years but the physics and actual science articles were replaced by social justice and climate change propaganda. I finally cancelled my subscription.

    They occasionally send me mail begging me to come back for pennies on the dollar of what a sub used to cost.

  5. Francis Barnett says:

    The bi-directional currents through the Straits of Gibraltar caused by differential salinity were known about in WW2, German submarines used the east flowing surface current to silently enter the Mediterranean Sea submerged without using noisy propulsion.
    The explanation of the differential salinity currents through the straits is detailed in the book Das Boot by Lothar-Günther Buchheim 1973 a German novel based on his experiences aboard German submarine U-96.

    “4. How fast are the currents through the strait?
    The surface water in the strait consists of eastward flowing Atlantic water. At depth, there is dense, high-salinity westward flowing water. The water between these two layers is a mixing zone. Depending on the winds, the non-tidal water at the surface flows between 2 – 4 knots (2.3 – 4.6 mi/hr). The non -tidal currents below the surface flow to the west with speeds decreasing with depth.”

    General interest –

    • Bob G says:

      the same phenomenon occurs at the bosphorus and dardanelle’s Straight. you would think the Black Sea would be a huge freshwater lake but no it’s salty because at those two straights the surface current goes one way and the current near the bottom flows in the opposite direction.

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