The New Normal

In 2005, Hurricane Katrina was declared to be the new normal.  This was followed by a record lack of hurricanes in the US.

Sep 12, 2005, page 167 – The Miami Herald at

Jul 13, 2016, page B3 – Asheville Citizen-Times at

The U.S. coast is in an unprecedented hurricane drought — why this is terrifying – The Washington Post

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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11 Responses to The New Normal

  1. Ben V says:

    Home page doesn’t update anymore. It still shows your post from July 22nd.

  2. czechlist says:

    ain’t gonna support the wapo so I am not informed as to why it was to be regarded as terrifying
    but I’m certain HL Mencken could explain the paper’s political motive
    keep ’em skeered

  3. Gamecock says:

    Hurricanes are weather events.

    The Science™ tries very hard to make something more of them. It’s a clown show.

  4. Bob G says:

    we are now 10 days away from the anniversary of the historic landing of hurricane Katrina. Currently there are no named storms in the Atlantic or gulf or Caribbean. I put in a phone call to Al Gore for comment. he hasn’t got back to me yet. :-). he’s probably too busy counting his carbon credits windfall.

  5. Any damage to the economy done by a hurricane pales into insignificance against the lunacy of Net Zero.

  6. Jimmy Haigh says:

    The global warm-mongers must be bitterly disappointed with the hurricane season so far. We were promised a doozy after record-high modeled sea surface temperatures…

    • Disillusioned says:

      “….bitterly disappointed….”

      When I was a believer who was becoming disillusioned about all things AGW, I saw all the failed predictions as good news. But it wasn’t a religion for me. If we weren’t on the brink of climate catastrophe, I figured we got the science wrong, and back to the drawing board.

      On the other hand, my left-leaning friends did not see what I presented to them as good news at all – they saw me as straying from the science [religion] and beginning to become a heretic. In their minds, we must act now. Regardless of compiled data and anecdotal evidence to the contrary presented to them, it contradicted what MSNBC and CNN were screaming about on a daily basis. So I was wrong, and should stop listening to climate deniers.

      After full disillusionment I got a new circle of friends.

      • Bob G says:

        Ted Turner must be embarrassed by what CNN has become. think of the hundreds if not thousands of hours they wasted on the Trump Russia collusion hoax. same with Rachel Madcow. she had Trump tied in with countless Russians. she’s making more money than ever now from what I’ve read. she paid no price for being wrong. same with Al Gore. what has he been right about when it comes to climate?

        • arn says:

          Ted Turner is for sure not embarrassed.

          There would have been no Iraq /Lybia etc wars without him.(iI wonder where the fact checkers were at that time)
          How should a accomplice and advocate be embarrassed with something minor as Russian collusion.
          JFYi – Turner is an AGW beliver and his solution for this is a global one child policy.

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