“Arctic sea ice is headed toward a historic low”

“Arctic sea ice is headed toward a historic low  09-30-2024

This is the conclusion of researchers at NASA and the National Snow and Ice Data Center (NSIDC).”

Arctic sea ice is headed toward a historic low – Earth.com

There has been no trend in Arctic sea ice extent for over seventeen years.


NASA’s leading experts predicted the Arctic would be ice-free sometime between 2012 and 2018.

“NASA climate scientist Jay Zwally said: “At this rate, the Arctic Ocean could be nearly ice-free at the end of summer by 2012, much faster than previous predictions.”

Could all Arctic ice be gone by 2012?

Wayback Machine

The Argus-Press – Google News Archive Search

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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14 Responses to “Arctic sea ice is headed toward a historic low”

  1. spren says:

    Any leftist, especially one working for fraudulent government science agencies, has no regard for what the actual truth is. To them, truth is what they need to say to support their unproven hypotheses. Circular reasoning at its most absurd.

    Watching tonight’s VP debate right now and that ridiculous progressive ditz, Nora O’Donnell, took it upon herself to interject “All the scientists of the world have the overwhelming scientific consensus that humans cause climate change…” Good grief! That goes unchallenged and she is allowed to express her superstitious religious dogma, completely unsupported by any scientific proof.

    • Bob G says:

      I felt the same gut punch when Norah O’Donnell brought up climate change… I will take your word for it that it was her cuz to me they all look alike, talk alike, they are robots, but when she brought up climate change, Vance DIDNT handle it the way I would have… but I’m not a politician. Vance handled it beautifully because he is a politician and he knows… since he’s a very smart man… he knows that voters under the age of 40 have all been brainwashed on this subject and you have to tread easy in that situation and he did. he handled it wonderfully. look, if you really think man-made CO2 is the culprit then China and India are the bad guys not us.

      • Mike Peinsipp says:

        Ask those AGW people what plants need to grow…if they don’t know EDUCATE their ignant selfs. If they say that Plants breathe in CO2 ask them what it breaths OUT! Do not laff when they can’t answer that question. Basic biology is something they don’t teach anymore. More CO2 means more plants growing healthier & more CO2 for Humans to breathe!!! But humans in packs are stupid creatures…individually sometimes sane…NAH!

  2. Greg in NZ says:

    Frank Zappa was a prophet: long after he departed his musical mortal coil, his words ring true time-and-time again, even here in the southern hemisphere.

    YELLOW SNOW WATCH for our mountains today with ‘heavy snow’ down to 2,000’ as a perfect ‘snowmaker’ storm ruins (yet again) the deluded rantings of Hansen et al. It may be Spring downunder but it ALWAYS snows in Rocktober. Same as it ever was.

  3. Have NPS investigated why their model produces rubbish, or like all the other junk models based on incorrect assumptions, and crackpot theory, but give the answer the sponsors want, do they continue handle cranking it and declaring the results to be ‘irrefutable settled science’?

  4. arn says:

    After three decades of historic lows in a row there shouldn’t be enough ice left for a glass of whisky,
    yet they have to built new icebreakers for the arctic.
    Quiet strange.

  5. Richard E Fritz says:

    its reaching the tipping point where people are tired of fake experts talking heads & gas bag politicians people are tuning out-but the BEAST is costing $1.5 trillion per year- Al Gore is making has made $300 million on the scam- Greta and Mann will do the same until the $$$ runs out

    • czechlist says:

      Tony quotes Feynman I’ll cite Hayek:

      “Nothing is more securely lodged than the ignorance of the experts.”
      Friedrich August von Hayek

      Note how these “experts” are rarely identified and/or associated with any specific area of expertise.

  6. Bob G says:

    check this out. I had read that Germany has outrageously high electric prices but who knew that California has the same outrageous high electric prices. here’s a link to the story…it compares Florida rates to California electric rates. California has far more green energy so why is it so expensive? I thought the wind and the sun were free. apparently not. https://www.powerlineblog.com/archives/2024/10/the-daily-chart-ca-vs-fl-power-and-prices.php

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