Climate Expert Discusses Politics

Ivy League provost Michael Mann says Donald Trump worships Hitler.

“Trump doesn’t worship “God”. He worships Hitler.”


“The Presidential Distinguished Professor in the Department of Earth and Environmental Science and director of the Penn Center for Science, Sustainability, and the Media will begin his new appointment on Nov. 1.”

Michael Mann appointed vice provost for climate science, policy, and action at Penn | Penn Today

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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10 Responses to Climate Expert Discusses Politics

  1. Bob G says:

    it was such a beautiful day…. then more Michael Mann. just looking at him makes me sick. what’s become of our country when fraudsters can make it to the top so easily. one fraud after another with this guy. now Trump is Hitler fraud. I miss the days when the Democrat party actually wanted to talk policy.

  2. arn says:

    Manns statement is as true as his tree ring data and storm predictions.
    And in both cases he was just parroting the current narrative,
    as affirmative action ” journalist ” Joy Can’t Even Reid said the same thing a few days ago and the Atlantic wrote “Trump is speaking like Hitler, Stalin and Mussolini ” ( could have been the ultimate woke superlative if they’d added Putin).

    And just as with co2 , they never provide an explanation why Trump,
    after all those years suddenly, turned into the exact opposite.
    They can’t because those who created the narrative were interested in maximal propaganda impact and not the truth.

  3. czechlist says:

    the left is reforming hitler
    reckon he was just a mean drunk?

  4. Bruce of Newcastle says:

    I doubt Dr Mann knows much if anything about God, Christ or the Bible.

  5. GeologyJim says:

    But Mikey sure dreams about the Benjamins

  6. Russell Cook says:

    Aim the bight spotlight of elemental public inquiry at The Mann and any of his co-horts hurling their range of assertions — “settled science” / “industry-paid CAGW skeptic shills” / “Trump & supporters are climate-denying, election-denying racists, sexists, homophobic fascists — and ask them the simplest of questions: “What’s your evidence proving that?”

    The harder you press them under that spotlight, the more likely they are to prevent you from having such inquiry opportunities and label people who ask too many questions as a threat to democracy . . . . . thus proving who the actual dictatorial tyrants are in this situation who threaten everyone’s freedom.

  7. Francis Barnett says:

    Birds of a feather will fry together.
    Legacy media and climate science liars-for-hire are quaking everywhere at the thought of The Donald holding their feet to the fire for the last 4 years of fake news and fake science.
    And I wouldn’t like to be a judge that wagged his finger at the Don.
    Hard rain will fall is all.

  8. Richard E Fritz says:

    what a waste of Oxygen he is

  9. shawn marshall says:

    With all the poop thar cones out of his mouth I doubt if Mann ever defecates – what a waste of an ar$ehole

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