Defacing Art Can Prevent Floods

Spain has a long history of catastrophic floods, but George Monbiot implies that they can be prevented by vandalizing the Mona Lisa.

Study of historical flood events on Spanish rivers using documentary data

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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10 Responses to Defacing Art Can Prevent Floods

  1. Greg in NZ says:

    Terry Gilliam, the sole American in the UK’s comedy troupe Monty Python, began filming his version of Don Quixote (he of chasing windmills infamy) in the Spanish ‘badlands’ in the year 2,000 AD.

    It rained and rained then flooded, washing away the set & equipment, turning the ‘desert’ almost ‘green’ in one day. The film was never made (movie finance is always a dodgy business eh Weinstein) yet the ‘Making Of’ documentary is a classic study of how NOT to make a movie. It’s called:

    Lost In La Mancha (2002) by Terry Gilliam.

    It doesn’t always rain in Spain, but when it does, BEWARE!

    • arn says:

      Actually the Film was released by Gilliam in 2018
      And it’s a pretty crappy one.

      • Greg in NZ says:

        Akshullay… Arn, the 2018 version, ‘The Man Who Killed Don Quixote’, was his 3rd attempt (or was it the 30th?) at completing his long-held vision of retelling Cervantes’ wonderfully mocking story of mislaid ‘good intentions’ – a fitting mirror to today’s yoof wanting to ‘slay’ all things oil-based whilst clothed in synthetic nylons and plastic raincoats and cheap Ch!nese shoes.

        Gilliam’s films are similar to climate hexspurts’ predictions: there’s a 50/50 chance of success, yet still they both chase mythical windmills and imaginary villains. At least Gilliam has a sense of humour – albeit wonderfully twisted – unlike doomsday climate believers who demand we all commit carbon-zero.

        • arn says:

          I only realized he finished the movie
          because it was aired on TV at one point
          (after 20 years development hell he should have called it The Never-ending Story or Apocalypse Then)
          and he had the French Moustache guy playing Quixote who he casted in the 90ies for the role and whowas in his 90ies by his looks when the film was finally released
          So it was one hell of a single attempt 🙂

          Talking about Gilliams qualities.
          He sucks when he is trying to put real Fairy-tales on Celluloid.
          Same as with his Munchhausen movie.
          Both are boring substandard.

          But when he gets the chance to give ‘real life’ stories a magical touch then he unleashes his genius.
          Then he is as unique as David Lynch.
          I don’t think anyone could have made 12 monkeys that good as he did or turn 1984 into a Super Mario comedy plumber movie (and a groundbreaking look Jeunet/Caro used to later adapt for their movies)

  2. arn says:

    Floods killed in Bengladesh 1mio + people in 1974
    and 4 years before that 500000 lost their lives in Pakistan as result of a cyclone.

    All way worse than all 2024 floods combined this year and during the picture perfect
    >350ppm climate
    and every single one of them way worse than all 2024 floods combined.

    And in 1940 India was blessed with 10 cyclones(6 severe) instead of the average
    while the number of severe storms to hit India is since 2019 is 5.

    Destroying Art has lowered the number of storms significantly.
    Burning witches with pink colored hair would reduce them by another 50%.

    • D. Boss says:

      “Burning witches with pink colored hair would reduce them by another 50%.”

      Gad Saad calls them the blue haired Taliban. And he explains their behavior in terms of evolutionary example from the animal kingdom. Some species have bright coloration as a warning to predators that they are or have rather poisonous attributes – so it signifies danger.

      But other species merely copy the bright coloration, and are not in fact dangerous. So they pretend to be dangerous as a protective strategy. Gad calls these blue haired taliban the same thing – they are pretending to signal that they are dangerous. (or they are signaling that they are in fact mentally unbalanced narcissists) ( Why Do Social Justice Warriors Have Colored Hair? (THE SAAD TRUTH_505) )

      • arn says:

        I used to watch him regularly until a few years ago.
        He even used my “Trampolins for small Asians in the NBA” equality joke at one point (dude ain’t lazy and is reading comments).

        I remember watching that video when he said that a few years ago but I still have my problems to wrap my head around it.
        I mean – 90% of those colored chicks are protected by their looks.Ugly and/or fat.
        Noone gives a tiniest crap about them nor wants to get close or have anything to do with them – except when Greenpeace tries to pull one of those Landwhales into the Ocean.

        They are the plants on Carnivore Island = safe.
        The only protection they may need is that none of the animals poos on them by coincidence.

        IMO – with their pink / blue colored hair they are begging for attention and to set a visible political statement, just as the Punks did.
        It may just be another thing that was astroturfed into existence
        as the woke will copy and follow any crap they are being told as long as it makes them feel tolerant,empathic,morally superior etc.
        And especially in this case the main inspiration/origin for their rainbow hair is IMO the gay rainbow symbol colors – which is 100 % astroturfed
        as it has been forced upon all western nations just like the LGBT term.
        And the astroturf proof is; gays (just like every other group) from different countries would create different symbols (just like the mentally ill woke would instead of using the hair color thing)
        for themselves.

        And not only would they use different Acronyms (as LGBT is an incorrect acronym for these 4+ groups outside of English language ),
        but there would be no LGBT’s at all in most places ,
        as gays,lesbians etc would go their own way
        with their own organisations just as blacks have their caucus,Lationes their own thing and Asians too – instead of being lumped together.

        That’s my 5 cents
        and I’d gladly like to hear what Gad has to say about my amateurish approach.

        And Sorry for my first post.
        Whenever I try to multitask my English goes Biden/Harris.

        • Greg in NZ says:

          “my English goes Biden/Harris”

          That’s good, I like that, satirical yumor – no wonder they/them want to ban it – too close to reality.

  3. conrad ziefle says:

    We visited a place in Sicily that had a very similar event. The main street was built over a canyon, with culverts built under the street to handle the flow. The problem is that the water flow in these situations is usually based on 100, 500, 1000 year floods, something that is estimated at the time of construction-BUT as time goes on, more streets and houses cover the landscape and channel more water into the gully, and as time goes on the culverts also slowly fill with debris, and they deteriorate as well, and then one of these big floods hits, and they no longer have the capacity to handle it, so it ends up rushing through the town.

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