Hillary To Defeat Trump By Double Digits

Eight years ago ABC News said Hillary was ahead of Trump by 12%.  Now they say Kamala is ahead of Trump by 4%.

“Hillary Clinton has a 12-point lead over Donald Trump and has reached 50% support nationally among likely voters, a new ABC News tracking poll shows.”

Presidential poll: Hillary Clinton leads Donald Trump by 12 | CNN Politics


About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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4 Responses to Hillary To Defeat Trump By Double Digits

  1. Disillusioned says:

    I don’t know… I liken pollsters to climate scientists. They are a very loyal bunch, publishing results they were paid to create.

    • Stewartpid says:

      Years ago a famous Canadian politician said “a dog knows what a pole is good for”.
      Still true today.
      Here’s hoping the Donald kicks Commie-la’s ass!!

  2. arn says:

    She would have won by double digits
    if their level of cheating would have been in 2016 as sophisticated as it was in 2020.
    But they were simply not prepared to close such a huge gap by cheating back then.

    Nowadays they can pull Kamala out of their butts and within 24 hours she went from most unlikable vice-president to leading the polls in the presidential race
    despite the fact that the majority of americans either didn’t knew that she was running or who she was and the majority of the rest didn’t like her.

    Someone who can pull this off can easily win by triple digits.

  3. arn says:

    Just in – Another funny Poll- Stort.

    According to US propa.._ poll company Edison(probablyanother CiA cutout)
    pro EU parties were winning todays Georgia election(for some unknown reason whenever there is a pro nationalit party winning ALL other parties unite against this party and follow always the exact same gameplan,the exact same US/EU values – as happened in Turkey,Hungary,Slovakia,Tchech Republic(the only place The US-EU won the election )

    The EU parties were polled with 52%
    and the nationalist party Georgia Dream with 41%.

    According to current election results Georgia Dream has won with 49%.
    That’s what happens when you can only buy politicians but do not control the counting process and only limited parts of MSM and entertainment.
    Otherwise Georgia would have been the next on the list to be sacrificed against Russia.

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