October 26, 1921

On October 26, 1921 a major hurricane hit Florida, a tornado hit Sacramento, California, and Gibraltar was hit by a severe storm.

“The New York TimesTHURSDAY, OCTOBER 27, 1921

Loss Caused by Storm in South Florida Estimated in Millions.

St. Petersburg Water Front Wiped Out—Houses Unroofed by Cyclonic Wind in Sacramento.

LAKELAND, Fla., Oct. 26. — South Florida spent today in recapitulating the damage, estimated in “several” to two million dollars, wrought yesterday by the hurricane which swept across the State. It was accompanied by torrential rains and reached velocity at times which unroofed houses. At times nature’s fury assumed the proportions of a tornado. … (text cuts off)

NEWPORT NEWS, Va., Oct. 26. — The fishing schooner Margaret foundered in the storm last night off Bug Light, Chesapeake Bay, with a probable loss of two lives. All except two of the crew of thirty-two have been accounted for.

Fishing Smacks Wrecked and Several of Their Men Drowned.

CADIZ, Spain, Oct. 26 (Associated Press). — A severe storm today caused the loss of several fishing smacks in the Strait of Gibraltar. While the crews of most of them were saved, several fishermen are known to have been drowned and numerous small craft …”

h/t Don Penim

TimesMachine: October 27, 1921 – NYTimes.com

TimesMachine: October 27, 1921 – NYTimes.com

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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6 Responses to October 26, 1921

  1. Bill says:

    “Medical journal the Lancet surveyed almost 16,000 16- to 25-year-olds from each state in the U.S.—and found the kids are quite simply not all right. A whopping 85% report being concerned about climate change, a worry that remains high across all political parties.

    Climate change evokes feelings of anxiety (65.8%), powerlessness (65.8%), and fear (65.1%) among the youth—fueling a majority to agree with the sentiment that “people have failed to take care of the planet.”

    I feel bad that these kids didn’t get a decent science education, one in which they learned that the planet has been taking care of itself for the last four billion years, give or take.

    • On the plus side there remains 15% who were not taken in by the sustained brainwashing, indoctrination and propaganda. Is there a correlation with IQ, I wonder? Ignorance does indeed breed fear, which is why it is the main tool of the tyrant. Nobody should be taught about ‘climate crisis’ until they are versed in basic thermodynamics (essentially the first year of a science or engineering university course. Without that fundamental understanding we are talking palmistry, astrology, reading tea leaves, and all the other arts conmen use to exploit the ignorant and gullible.

    • D. Boss says:

      There is a silver lining regards all those who have been brainwashed into believing this false narrative. Once any of them wake up to the fact they have been duped, they will never again fall for the party line narrative!

      It’s an education by suffering. They will have so suffered the fear, anxiety and will have spent untold effort, energy and money to support the false narrative, that once they realize it was all a scam, they will be unwilling to take anything the overlords tell them at face value.

      The only question is how many get awakened to the scam and how long it will take for a proportion to realize the scam and speak up to their peers, which then awakens some of the peers, etc, until the whole scam is refuted.

      I look at the example of Dr Campbell, from the UK, who was touting the party line above the clot shot at the beginning, but he came around to understand it was not based on real science and now speaks out with proofs of the nefarious nature of big pharma, etc.

  2. arn says:

    The “perfection” of climate in the sub350ppm era is quiet scary.
    Co2 did such a good job back then.
    The Ghandi of all greenhouse gases.

    I wonder for how many years one needs to go to college to want that kind of climate back.

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