“politicians & shills bankrolled by the fossil fuel industry”

The same weather in Spain as 1957 and 1897 is now caused by the burning of fossil fuels.

“51 dead in Spain due to catastrophic floods… Spain Not some far away place you can’t relate to Spain But sure, keep listening to politicians & shills bankrolled by the fossil fuel industry instead of people who dedicate their lives to understanding climate change.”

“50 Dead Possible In Spanish Flood
VALENCIA, Spain (AP)—The rain-swollen Turia River flooded the heart of this city Monday and drowned at least 18 persons.
City officials said they believed as many as 50 were lost.
Monday night the orange-growing Valencia area was a vast lake stretching five miles inland from the Mediterranean, with high ground and buildings forming islands crowded with survivors.
Helicopters were ordered from Madrid to help in the evacuation.
Not since 1897 had a comparable flood hit Valencia.”

October 15, 1957

Oct 15, 1957, page 1 – The Montana Standard at Newspapers.com

Nov 24, 1897, page 10 – Glasgow Herald at Newspapers.com

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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7 Responses to “politicians & shills bankrolled by the fossil fuel industry”

  1. Russell Cook says:

    As ever, leftists like UK commentator Marina Purkiss have things 180° backwards, it is the CAGW skeptic side who dedicate their lives to understanding the climate issue. As for her zinger about ‘shills bankrolled by the fossil fuel industry,’ I posit that she could not offer evidence to prove that accusation true if her reputation depended on it.

  2. Greg in NZ says:

    All those earlier, previous floods were THEN – we’re talking about NOW! Climate is here NOW! And it’s all white man’s fault NOW!

    Signed: Marina the Sheep.

    • Peter Carroll says:

      Too bloody right Greg. We all know and faithfully recite the mantra, “climate change is real, climate change is happening”.
      Every child, from kindergarten to university knows this.

  3. Disillusioned says:

    Ayup. There is nothing new under the Sun. What do experts know? They certainly don’t seem to know that the climate has cycles which repeat.

    Since the 1950s, nutrition ‘experts’ have been wrong about diet and nutrition.

    For decades, medical ‘experts’ have been wrong about the efficacy of a vast amount of poisons referred to as “medications” which are prescribed daily around the globe (and non-prescription poisons sold over the counter at Walgreens and Walmart).

    The ‘experts’ were wrong about an impending ice age in the 1970s.

    The ‘experts’ have been wrong about CO2’s supposed radiative forcing capabilities for the 40+ years since they resurrected Svante Arrhenius’ 140 year-old unproven greenhouse hypothesis, which violates the laws of thermodynamics. Barring temporary vicissitudes from natural cycles, the climate has been virtually the same as since we pulled out of the Little Ice Age in the late 19th century. Every prediction of rising temperatures, sea level rise rate escalation, greater numbers and worse hurricanes, etc. over the past 4 decades has failed – 100% failure. They keep moving the goalposts of doom further out with every failed prediction. And, they keep hammering the lie that the climate is getting worse. Tony keeps driving these points home, with documentation in almost every one of his posts.

    Foreign policy ‘experts’ have made a mess of other countries around the world….

    A thread weaves through it all. Hegemony, or dominance – top-down control over you, your thoughts, your beliefs, your health, your money and your security. It is about the creation of fear, for control. If you are afraid, you can be controlled. And you will be controlled.

    Take control of your own life. Listen to ‘experts’, but also listen to your gut. Study subjects you have questions about and try to learn as much as you possibly can, on as many subjects as you have interest. Keep your brain exercised.

    And I pray. I ask for discernment of the Holy Spirit. So far that’s working. I can smell con artist a mile away.

  4. I wouldn’t mind getting a share of the billions still being poured into the climate gravy train. All you have to do is follow the party line and wealth and status will follow. But work on your own dime and show up the ‘science’ for the humbug that it is, and you are accused of receiving cash from ‘big oil’ and other nefarious sponsors. The psychologists call it ‘projection’. As for the intellectually lazy sheep: they will believe it until the true cost becomes manifest. The main effect appears to be a total mistrust of science. Welcome back to the Dark Ages.

  5. Tony

    There was an even worse flood a year later in 1957;


    KNMI say 262mm of rain fell in one day

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