A look at the “safe climate”‘ of 1791, as defined by NASA’s James Hansen.
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It’s no wonder why adherents to the Climate Catastrophe Cult are actively trying to discredit or vilify Tony… With a succinct no nonsense 3 minute video, he destroys the CO2 Narrative!
1000 up votes
Circulate it on Facebook, X and anywhere you can. We win people over one at a time.
I love all weather, and have done since being a little nipper 60 years ago: storms create surf and snow, two of my favourite pastimes and means of employment. These quackademics appear to be SCARED of nature’s fury and want us to pay them to intercede so the gods will be placated and thus calm the winds / heat / cold / drought / frogs / scorpion alien people / whatever. They’re crooks and shysters and always have been. Surely Elon could send them to Mars or Pluto or preferably somewhere beyond that? Please, before time runs out.