Big Oil Saved The Whales

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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13 Responses to Big Oil Saved The Whales

  1. Greg in NZ says:

    A male humpback whale has been discovered, through photographic evidence, to have swum from off Colombia’s Pacific coast to Zanzibar in the Indian Ocean and back again, as you would if you were a healthy male humpback looking for a friendly female whale to sing and frolic with… for a season… or two.

    No no no – the dreaded Triple-C ©?©?©? caused the distraught male to do this because [insert stupid theory] as opposed to ancient songlines and sea currents and instincts these gentle giants of the ocean have followed long before ‘climate justice’ was ever invented.

    Be happy and have a whale of a time!

    • arn says:

      Only in a liberal world a whale travels the world and returns after tens of thousands of miles to the point of origin
      as result of co2nfusion,
      while Biden gets regularly lost on a 10 square yard podium
      and noone bothers to question his mental state.

      • William says:

        Joey’s story is inspiring – Man born with no brain showers with 11-year-old daughter, then becomes Leader of the Free(sic) World. Some have questioned his mental state, Tucker Carlson for instance: “He was a moron even before the dementia.” But it is an exercise in futility; there is no mental state to question. Still..81 million “votes” in 2020. Go figure.

        • arn says:

          81 mio votes means almost 20% more votes than Messiah himself in 2008 and more than 25% than in 2012.
          And Barack had everything in his favor.
          100% Hype.
          100% Bush catastrophy in his favor.
          100% joke of an opponent.
          100% Clean and New.
          100% stage performance.

          Biden had 0 Hype.
          Running(crawling) against a very strong opponent.
          Old,scandal ridden fart + a Sextape of his son.
          0% stage performance.
          Refusing to campaign.
          And when he campaigned he did his mumble-stumble in front of 3 people.
          Even Democrats didn’t either know he was running and those who knew didn’t vote for him(He was losing big in the beginning of the primaries – until a series of miracles happened that continued until the election).

          The worst election scenario the left ever experienced(besides Bidens refusal to campaign)
          as covid fear kept the unmotivated and scared(=democrat userbase) from voting.
          +Biden didn’t even had the female voter base of Hilary nor hers and Baracks unique revolutionary feat = 1st female /black in history.

          Yet Joe won by a mile – for absolutely no reason.

          How? Global Warming.
          Only climate models and Mann made tree rings can create such a hockey stick.

          This year the rig was even bigger.
          Teamsters voted for Trump 2:1 and bookmakers had an identitical quote 64:36
          Yet Harris was outperforming Obama by many millions.

          I can hardly wait for DeGrasse Tyson to prove me wrong.

        • Billyjack says:

          I am jsut hoping they release the 14 million voters that they must have in concentration camps that voted for Biden in 2020.

    • Bob G says:

      that is a whale of a story….

      • arn says:

        Wales is well known for its Hi-story.
        But it gets crushed by green energy right now.
        And only big oil can save them
        but it won’t happen
        as some Wales are less equal.

  2. The modern environmental movement couldn’t give a damn about whales, otherwise they would not endorse pumping low frequency noise into the ocean by means of off-shore windmills. It has been hi-jacked to become a single issue anti-humanist crusade against civilization itself.

  3. dm says:

    Further proof that no good environmental deed goes unpunished.

  4. Richard E Fritz says:

    AND Coal saved the forests of UK and EU to make steel in mid 1800’s

  5. Billyjack says:

    Yep, I used that when I gave my “Everything you want to know about the Oil business” presentation at the University in Finland. “There wouldn’t be a whale alive today if not for the oil business”.

    • Francis Barnett says:

      Whale oil was in use as a cutting lubricant when I joined engineering as an apprentice in the mid 1960’s. I mentioned to the machinist on the gear-cutting section that the oil that was pumped around the cutting heads in large quantities
      didn’t smell like a mineral oil, he told me they tried a mineral cutting oil but the
      surface finish obtained with it wasn’t good enough so they reverted to the whale oil. It is a very good extreme pressure lubricant.

  6. Paul Marks says:

    It did indeed.

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