Endless Summer At The New York Times

Dec. 21, 2006

IT’S not that I don’t like 60-degree days and eating fresh spinach right out of my garden in December. But the extended growing season is one of the signs of global warming. It goes hand in hand with polar bears dying in the Arctic as the sea ice shrinks.”

With Warmer Weather, Different Decisions to Make – The New York Times

“The End of Snow?
Feb. 7, 2014

Nothing besides a national policy shift on how we create and consume energy will keep our mountains white in the winter — and slow global warming to a safe level.”

The End of Snow? By Porter Fox Feb. 7, 2014

“The End of Snow”
Jan. 2, 2024

bigger climate extremes, more natural disasters, the specter not of a world where humans suffer through these things and find ways to survive but where we’ve made the planet so uninhabitable that, in the longer run, the planet survives but we don’t.”

Opinion | The End of Snow – The New York Times

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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22 Responses to Endless Summer At The New York Times

  1. Disillusioned says:

    On the Ohio River this morning we awakened to temps in the 20s F, and two inches of that which was supposed to have ended.

  2. Tommyb says:

    Suburban glen ridge New Jersey is 29 right now
    Spinach is a plant that can take frost

  3. czechlist says:

    I am bewildered that I often hear people could not survive Southern States’ summers without air conditioning but I have rarely heard people could not survive Northern States’ winters without heat.
    I normally hear the remarks in regards to energy usage and the comments are most often from someone who lives in Northern US climes. Perhaps some type of prejudice?
    I can tolerate heat better than cold; But, I do prefer a warm bed on a frigid night to a sweltering summer night without any air movement.

  4. conrad ziefle says:

    Here, near the coast in Northern California, I have had pepper plants winter over, but not recently, nor within the last 10 years. Using my short lifetime as a database, a dangerous premise upon which most global warming claims are based, I have seen cyclic temperatures, nor trending temperatures. Ditto rainfall.
    So using almost exactly the same years, a tiny delta from the biosphere’s existence, which the climate warming experts use, I have seen in my observations no change in climate, but rather only what a sane person would expect, fluctuations around a norm.

  5. Greg in NZ says:

    December 1st here yesterday and summer arrived bang on time – meteorologically speaking – with warm humid air wafting down from Fiji & Samoa, lovely. Also bang on time, NZ’s biggest city, Auckland, banned swimming at 25 of its beaches (it’s on 2 coasts with 2 harbours) due to unacceptable levels of ‘faecal matter’, ie. sewage, in the water.

    They can spend $billions on cycle ways and bus lanes and speed humps and recycling bins and shiny promotions about ‘saving the planet’ yet they haven’t figured out how to fix a few pipes to treat their endless flow of excrement.

    And despite experts [sic] predicting warm temperatures this week – due to foehn winds off the mountains – there’s not a word about the 3 days of SNOW expected on the very same mountains. Like most farmers and surfers, I’m waiting on Dec 21st’s SOLSTICE to begin celebrating the arrival of our ‘real’ summer days and nights.

    • conrad ziefle says:

      Do they not know how to fix the sewage plant, because advanced treatment has been around for at least thirty years, and probably systems plenty enough advanced have been around 70 or more years. Is it they don’t know what to do, or that they have spent too much money on imaginary BS, and not enough on real human shit.

      • arn says:

        The only reason the war exists are the owners of the corporations( and NGO ‘ s that are very active in Georgia now to generate new Russian front meat).

        There is a reason why the US built their military bases alongside the planned Tapi Pipeline route instead of strategical placement ;
        why Afghan Heroin production went up by 2000 % + under US occupation and poppy fields being guarded by US soldiers ,
        or why the US is still occupying the oily part of Syria
        and why the US army ignored Trumps order to remove troops from Syria (((which get the General exectuted in many countries.As a General would never resist such an order someone must have told him to including protection guarantee)))

        • Mike Peinsipp says:

          General Milley can still be reinstated and a Court Martial. That is on our DD214 if we have certain jobs like Combat Engineer Operator, Special Ops or Officers…

    • Disillusioned says:

      Those UN Agenda speed humps are all over our county, practically every 25 mph road is filled with them. The Local Agenda 2030 for sustainable development, under the UN’s 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development is real and ongoing. Every local jurisdiction is infected by UN Agenda 2030. Most people have no idea what is happening underneath their noses, right now. It will continue pushing forward regardless of the fact that Donald Trump will be POTUS for the next four years. The global fascists are tenacious, and they are many.

      • Disillusioned says:

        In addition to the speed humps everywhere, they have screwed up the lanes, painted them with confusing yellow directives, put in curbs in the middle of the roads to make left turns impossible, taken lanes away, etc. They’re building roundabouts everywhere with more confusing lanes, taking away lanes for cars and designating them for bicycles and so on. They are purposefully creating gridlock. It is obvious this insanity is not from local engineers. It is an expensive push, which nobody asked for and nobody voted for (nobody would ever vote for this lunacy). It is purposeful, top-down bureaucratic confusion, and it is happening all over our country.

        • conrad ziefle says:

          Wow, you just described the streets in my town. Empty bicycle lanes taking half of the surface area, and on the road to Tahoe, a roundabout in the middle of nowhere, where there isn’t much traffic and used to be just a normal intersection.

        • Disillusioned says:

          I am not surprised; it is going on all over.

    • Disillusioned says:

      The Reality of the United Nations’ Agenda 2030 to ‘Transform Our World’

      • arn says:

        That explains why Blackrock buys up all the land
        and why Zelensky is so willing to sell it to them.

        I wonder why and how the UNO and all other 3 letter institutions has the power to do all this.
        Has nothing to do with the Wall Street next door is my guess.

        • conrad ziefle says:

          One of the treaty deals should be that Ukraine gets its land back from the international corporations.

  6. William says:

    The NY Lies has proven to be spot on with their climate predictions as always. Global warming is real as evidenced by Tom Wickham planting kiwis on Long Island. But now the mountains here are white as, well, snow with heavy whiteness predicted for mid week and temps in the 20’s. This turnaround from Long Island Kiwi’s to January weather in early Dec. is due to Climate Initiatives such as a scant few well-to-do ultraliberals driving EV death traps. But risking a fiery death is a small price to pay in order to Save The Planet. How very noble. However the wind monstrosities are idle, the wind tends to be calm in cold weather. We’ll just have to build more, a lot more, the scenic beauty of the area be damned. As for those cute but dangerous Polar Bears, the UK-based Global Warming Policy Foundation reported that as of 2023 the bears are “thriving”, their population has nearly tripled since the late 60’s. Another Climate Initiative success story! The fact that Polar Bear thriving coincided with a hunting ban is mere coincidence.

    • William says:

      I meant to say the mountains here are as white as Elizabeth Warren, our 100 percent legit Native senator-for-life. Life does not provide precise analogs

  7. Chris says:

    Someone should do a wellness check on the Kiwis.

  8. Bruce of Newcastle says:

    LOL, they’re still doing it.

    Countdown to an ice-free Arctic: Research warns of accelerated timelines (Phys.org, 3 Dec)

    The first summer on record that melts practically all of the Arctic’s sea ice, an ominous milestone for the planet, could occur as early as 2027.

    Arctic sea ice to melt away in only 3 years time? These people are delusional.

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