Guardian 100% Inheritance Tax

The Guardian apparently wants to end farming in the UK, and use the money to finance abortions and sex change operations.  They call this “Utopian thinking.”

Why not fund the welfare state with a 100% inheritance tax? | Abi Wilkinson | The Guardian

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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12 Responses to Guardian 100% Inheritance Tax

  1. Mike says:

    When a Govt. controls’s everything you do that makes you a Slave. A Free Man is a Human who keeps his foot on the neck of the powers that he meaning Govt. bureaucrats. Now the one item that makes a Citizen a human in control of His/Her Life is a …WEAPON. Looking down the barrel of a gun terrifies 99.99999% of all Humans. The 0.000000001% are Psychotic freeks who fear nothing even Death. Now remember this…You can Die a Slave on your knees OR you can live as a Citizen showing that FEAR is something we destroy. I am a Citizen … What are you America???

  2. conrad ziefle says:

    I have an idea. If you think that you understand what the greater good is, get off your ass and stop demanding that other people fund it. These morons don’t seem to understand that there are two sides to every transaction. What happens to the people who have to sell their family’s dream in order for you to fund your fantasy? And what happens to the land, i.e. who bought it, and what are they going to do with it?

    • Greg in NZ says:

      As this article is “7 years old”, I’m guessing toffee-nosed Tories had put the idea on the back-burner as they’re renowned landowners and often through inheritance.

      Now Two-Tier-Keir has the reigns (albeit with only ~30% of the vote) he’s keen to follow Abi’s “greater good” fantasy advice, even though he’s the son of a wealthy industrialist himself.

      Highway robbery is alive-and-well in old Blighty, except these days the gangsters dress in smart, expensive, 3-piece suits and still take backhanders ($).

  3. Trevor says:

    These people are pure evil. What they espouse is the exact equivalency to slavery. Your money and assets, simply your stored labour, all belongs to them to use for their greater good. How did we ever climb down from the trees when a sizable number of people are this stupid or this evil? I will never understand it.

  4. Walter says:

    Jealousy and mental illness (liberalism) is behind these ridiculous ideas.

  5. Comrade Lenin attacking the kulaks again.

  6. arn says:

    While those following these ideas are usually mentally unstable
    the ones behind these ideas,the pushers,are evil – just as Malcolm X said.

    Never make the mistake to confuse intentional evil with stupidity or craziness.
    Never give organized crime the benefit of doubt to be coincidental or lunatic.

    This soft war,just as the real wars,is a precizely planned longterm strategy.
    While we have very well documented plans about the real wars
    (the recent Syrian downfall was at least planned since 2001(7countries in 5 years),explicitly specified in 2019(extending russia,chapter 4 point 2)it only took more time,
    PNAC strategy(to succeed revolutions and terrorists must always side with you),
    the russian war since 1993(grand chessboard) and the Rand paper(first topic being the North Stream) etc,

    the institutional warfare is pretty much ignored
    (it takes a very well organised approach and very well working recruiting strategies and infrastructures to almost only import millions of military aged men from all over the world into the even the best isolated and remote western countries like canada and australia and keep the borders open and MSM lying.

  7. Paul Marks says:

    For large estates Thomas Paine suggested this in his “Agrarian Justice” – when it was pointed out to him that the mathematics in his earlier works (such as the “Rights of Man” Part 2, did not work – that the benefits and services he proposed would cost vastly more than the monarchy that he proposed to abolish (so abolishing the monarchy would not pay for more than a small fraction of the extra government spending that he wanted). But Mr Paine only suggested this for the largest estates (which would, supposedly, pay for the start of his proposed wild government spending – he never explained how the spending would be financed after the money raised by stealing the largest estates ran out) – the Collectivist Fanatics at the Guardian newspaper want to steal everything and use the plunder for evil – which they call “the greater good”.

  8. dm says:

    A problem with BIG BROTHER DISTRIBUTING income is: It invariably allocates too much to corruption & immediate consumption, at the expense of investments in assets that IMPROVE the quality of life over the long run. Why? Most people are present oriented. As a result, society eats rather than sows seeds needed for next year’s crops. Society also consumes investment capital NEEDED to maintain, replace, improve + add to productive assets.

    • Robertvd says:

      Exactly. A 100% Inheritance Tax ensures that there will be nothing to inherit. So 0% income for the state from the Inheritance Tax.

  9. oeman50 says:

    There is nothing so unimportant that you can’t spend someone else’s money on it.

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