“Winter temperatures colder than last ice age

“Winter temperatures colder than last ice age
PASADENA, Calif. (UPI) — Current winter temperatures in North America may be colder than readings for the season 22,000 years ago, during the height of the last ice age, say two Caltech scientists.”

January 3, 1978

Eugene Register-Guard – Google News Archive Search

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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7 Responses to “Winter temperatures colder than last ice age

  1. arn says:

    Interesting how fast we got from this to “hottest year ever.”

    And I wonder what happened to the colder than last ice age data
    and how it fits in climate models and Manns tree rings.

    • conrad ziefle says:

      Well, as Mickey Mann proved it in his undampened oscillation model, CO2 will do that. Don’t ask how hugely higher levels of atmospheric CO2 prevailed through .999999 of the history of the biosphere, and there were no such swings. Mann thinks that because he can write an equation for resonance in temperature, it therefore must exist. I suggest he should apply it to the molecules in his head, then sit back and wait for his head to explode.

      • arn says:

        “Never let reality get in the way of your genius.”

        Michael Mann, professional tree ring counter and storm predictor.

        I wonder how his 34 storm prediction turned out?

  2. Bill says:

    Meanwhile, in the EU, a new word for the day presents itself.

    “Record-high electricity prices in parts of Europe today due to Germany’s decision to dismantle all its nuclear power plants.

    “Due to “Dunkelflaute” (weather with no wind & no sunlight) in ?? , prices are spiking to EUR 936 per megawatt-hour.”

  3. Peter Carroll says:

    The start of paragraph three, ” In areas not covered by the ice, winters were generally warmer”. What a blast of absolute genius? Why didn’t Mrs. Mann’s little boy think of that?.

  4. Disillusioned says:

    In 25-35 years, it could be even colder than the 1970s were.

    This warm side of the AMO has been fairly anemic, not as warm as the heatwaves and spikes of the 1930s, 40s and 50s. That is, if we go by actual thermometer readings and news accounts, and not by the NOAA-tampered/created fake temperature record.

  5. dm says:

    Serious question: Were Mr. Epstein, Mr. Yapp & their predecessors more competent at reading thermometers & interpreting / adjusting measured data than climate alarmists?

    My answer is: Mr. Epstein, Mr. Yapp, their predecessors & successors (up to 1995 or so) were adequately competent and far MORE OBJECTIVE than climate revisionists (aka alarmists).

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