Cooling Is Warming

A discovery showing that Montana was much warmer 6,000 years ago, is evidence of dramatic warming.

“The forest, which endured for centuries before cooling temperatures forced it to retreat downslope, was sealed under ice approximately 5,500 years ago due to a shift in summer solar radiation and subsequent volcanic cooling.

“This is pretty dramatic evidence of ecosystem change due to temperature warming. It’s an amazing story of how dynamic these systems are,” said David McWethy, one of the study’s authors and an associate professor in Michigan State University (MSU’s) Department of Earth Sciences.”

Fossilized frozen forest discovered in the US under thawing tundra –

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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10 Responses to Cooling Is Warming

  1. conrad ziefle says:

    But how could it have been warmer then? AOC, Greta Thunberg, and Michael Mouse tell us that if it gets any warmer, all life on Earth will die.

  2. Robertvd says:

    And all those trees had to have enough CO2 at that height to grow.

  3. Gamecock says:

    Recent storm in England was caused by climate change, according to the cool kids of BBC/Guardian.

    Meteorologically, it was caused extreme cold in North America. As above, the Orwellian ‘cooling is warming.’ Extreme cold is caused by warming.

  4. arn says:

    Quote of the day.

    “The war in Ukraine might have been avoided had the election not be stolen from Trump in 2020”


    Dude is as crazy as the visitors of this website.

  5. Peter Carroll says:

    I think the Professor was on the sauce when he made that statement. Not only does he assert that warming caused the cooling, but he gives the reasons for the change as shift in summer solar radiation and volcanic activity. Nothing to do with the current global fallacy of CO2 induced warming (cooling).

  6. Richard E Fritz says:

    Tooth ache- Climate CHANGE
    broken toe- CC
    arthritis – CC
    your wife cheated CC
    and FOR just $1 Trillion dollars AOC can hire 1 million USG employess to vote Democrat and run around with butterfly nets catching CO2

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