Magical Thermometers

Despite having no data from 1850 for the vast majority of the planet, the WMO and “six international datasets” know the temperature within 0.01 degrees.

WMO confirms 2024 as warmest year on record at about 1.55°C above pre-industrial level

Temperature data (HadCRUT, CRUTEM,, HadCRUT5, CRUTEM5) Climatic Research Unit global temperature

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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21 Responses to Magical Thermometers

  1. Bob G says:

    Minneapolis had a warm 2024 and tied the record for warmest year. tied with 1931. hhhmmmm. what was going on in 1931? lol. 2024 wasn’t hot but it just wasn’t cold either. we also had a lack of snow. bare ground is much warmer than ground covered with a foot of snow. January 2025 is off to a cold start. cold enough that my car wouldn’t start this morning. i had to put a battery charger on it.

  2. Bob G says:

    Get this ladies and gents…. Google now has a story on how hot 2024 was in the United States. it’s a link to axios. the United States heat map clearly shows that Minnesota (where I live) was excessively hot and probably hotter than 47 or 48 of the other states. whoa. I posted earlier that Minneapolis tied their record warm temperature…tied it with 1931. apparently the rest of the country was not that warm, as the heat map showed less of an anomaly. the article went on to explain how excessive heat is dangerous to humans. my immediate thought was… we did not have any excessive heat in Minneapolis this past year. Granted …apparently we tied an all-time warm year but not because it was hot, it was because of a lack of snow in the winter months, which did produce some warmish temperatures.. the high temperature record in Minneapolis is 108 and Minneapolis didn’t even break 100 this past year. a little less spin and a little more context would make this news more honest. but since we don’t have that I will call it fake news. just my opinion but if your high temperature record is 108 and you can’t even break 100, even though 2024 is so ungodly hot.., I don’t see how that can be called excessive heat

    • Jack the Insider says:

      They use polar temperatures to complete the same trick. The normal average might be 40 degrees below freezing but because this year it is only minus 30 they call it warming. Complete dishonesty.

    • arn says:

      Axios has been pushing this 2024 hottest year BS since the very beginning
      of 2024.
      “2024 may even be hotter than gobsmackingly hot 2023 ”
      was their clairvoyanttweet on 1.1.2024.

      Of course they will follow through with their propaganda, especially now,
      when theycan surf the LA wildfires.

      I can’t blame them as I predicted years ago that every year will(officially) be getting hotter and hotter until (agenda) 2030
      as this narrative is their only way to force people into this.
      (interesting btw that they already had everything else in place,CDBC’s,new pandemics on the horizon acc. to WHO, calls for new vaccine)

      • Yonason says:

        Before you know it, they’ll be telling us they can vaccinate us against “excessive heat,” and that it must be manditory.

  3. arn says:

    Magical Science needs magical thermometers.

  4. Gamecock says:

    False precision is one of a half-dozen fallacies “climate change” is based on.

    It’s adolescent science.

  5. Francis Barnett says:

    What’s the betting that if all the observation sites supplying the readings contributing to this “hottest year” BS, were inspected they would 90% be trash sites, alongside roads, airport runways, car parks, factories, sewage processing and the like.
    Before crowing about your hottest temperatures – show us the classifications of your measuring sites.

  6. oeman50 says:

    So it’s 1.55C above the baseline that they picked? Whoa! That means we have crossed the 1.5C “tipping point” and we will have runaway temperatures, right?

    I’m now waiting for that to happen, holding my breath. (Someone please catch me when I pass out.)

    • Gamecock says:

      Since we have exceeded the tippity point, nothing we do now matters. So we can go back to doing whatever we want.

      • arn says:

        Trillions of dollars and zero impact on AGW.
        We totally lost the fight.

        Now it’s time for the
        “How we stopped worrying about climate
        and started to love the warming”

  7. Al Shelton says:

    The WMO, iirc, was set up by Maurice Strong when he set up the UN IPCC.
    Way back in the 1952s he was a stock promoter in Calgary, Alberta.
    He staffed the WMO with his crony liars to make sure that they tampered with temperature readings to show global warming.

  8. Ivan G Wainwright says:

    As John von Neumann said ‘ There’s no sense being precise when you don’t know what you are talking about’.

    • conrad ziefle says:

      John, one of the smartest men of the twentieth century, was wrong. When you sound precise, others think that you know what you are talking about. There is value in that for charlatans.

  9. conrad ziefle says:

    This brings an important point to the forefront. Most professional organizations have been captured by the Marxists. Doctors who are good, don’t apply for AMA positions, they are too busy doing their life’s work to sit around on a committee. Ditto every other profession. The Marxists, who are generally bad at their professions, make it their business to be on committees that set the guidelines, etc. that generally involve social engineering of the professional standards.

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