It has been fifteen years since the National Trust predicted a Mediterranean climate for Britain.
“National Trust campaign highlights how gardens will look if global warming brings Mediterranean weather to Britain”
24 March 2010
It has been fifteen years since the National Trust predicted a Mediterranean climate for Britain.
“National Trust campaign highlights how gardens will look if global warming brings Mediterranean weather to Britain”
24 March 2010
They just said that because they wanted an excuse to import more people from the equatorial regions to Britain, because these people would be more fit to survive in the Mediterranean environment, and they would gradually out breed the natives and take over the Marxist Utopia.
The propagandists are counting on your average British garden-lovers to be absolutely appalled at the Italianizing of their horticulture. Just four degrees warmer and they’d have oranges and palm trees? Not to mention ominously brown hillsides and that sick, shimmering red haze in the distance … looks more like 40 degrees warmer than just 4. But think — instead of traveling en masse to the Mediterranean to experience the lovely subtropical flora, Britons, having (I guess) become bored with the same in their own backyards, will be able to travel to Moscow to see once again the traditional English gardens. It’s all good.
‘We are not saying that this is what the future will look like, but we are asking whether it could look like this. It is a bit of an eye opener.’
Liar. You are saying it. NFW a question is ‘an eye opener.’