UN Is Upset

The UN is upset that America won’t be helping finance their trillion dollar money laundering operations any more.

UN regrets US exit from global cooperation on health, climate change agreement | UN News

Trends in CO2 – NOAA Global Monitoring Laboratory

us_chill.gif (960×768)

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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9 Responses to UN Is Upset

  1. dm says:

    The UN Climate Change group’s only accomplishment is relocating to countries with poor environmental & workplace safety regulations the production of electricity and goods + services;-(

  2. scott allen says:

    The US contributes 1.2 billion dollars to the WHO, the next biggest contributer is Germany with 856 million

    no wonder they are sad to see us go.

  3. Gamecock says:

    Dear UN,

    I believe you will find our exit from WHO is immediate. Right now.

    ‘In 12 months’ is a fiction. Same with Paris Accords. UN can play whatever games they want. But Trump has no particular affinity for them, and you know he bristles at the US paying for it. UN is playing stupid games.

  4. Greg in NZ says:

    If only in all my world travels (self-financed) I could tick off as many destinations as these carpetbaggers: Bali and Cairo are my only two from their list. Obviously I chose the wrong career path. So when’s the Don evicting them from New York?

  5. I notice that the lock downs of 2020 to 2022 had no discernible effect on CO2 concentration trend. Conclusion: it has nothing to do with human activity.

    • Francis Barnett says:

      Very true Gordon, I remember looking at https://www.flightradar24.com/ and there was not a plane in the air over Europe, when there are literally hundreds/thousands normally.

    • arn says:

      I dont think so.

      The lockdowns did not crush the global economy by 30% or so.
      They actually predicted a global GDP decline of 0.9% in 2020.
      (don’t think this irrellevant can be measured)
      And in 2023 sustainabilitynumbers claimed that china used in just 2 years as much cement as the US did throughout the whole 20 century.
      (some countries abused the lockdowns to gain marketshares while others shut down and to do so they needed tons of energy).

      Combined with the fact that co2 levels have been stable for a very long time
      it is highly unlikely that co2 levels have started increasing just at that time humans have started pumping co2 into the atmosphere.
      While I do not believe that co2 has any relevant impact on climate
      I do think that this hockeystick is indeed manmade and major cause for co2 increase.

  6. conrad ziefle says:

    Can we buy the right to pull down a brick or two from the UN building, once they all leave NYC? Of maybe, we can declare it an enclave of Texas within NYC, where people can escape from the tyrannical government there?

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