Make America Healthy Again

Eight weeks ago, the US got a new Secretary of Health and Human Services.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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20 Responses to Make America Healthy Again

  1. arn says:

    2 vax deniers and a real woman.

    Funny Fact: Mr Dudemanbro took his mother(for some reason he knows in this case the difference between man and woman) out of the nursing home the very second they started to target the elderly there.

    While Mr Rachel made every possible ‘mistake’ during Covid for the public,
    he did the very right thing for his own family.
    Coincidence is a onesided lefty bitch.

    • conrad ziefle says:

      He calls himself a woman, but I think that he is just asexual. There isn’t a human on the planet that would willingly have sex with that thing.

      • arn says:

        IIrc thing lives with another thing and even fathered children.
        But I dunno if someone poking things artificial wound is sexual or not.

        But you are right :its neither man nor woman.
        And thing is 1000% aware that it would have never ever become secretary of health and Admiral without going trans.

        And here a quote from dutch secretary of health Fleur Agema:
        ” During covid we followed Nato obligations”

        • william says:

          Thing is the father of two kiddos. I have to assume they are seriously messed up. It used its sperm depositor for that purpose then had it surgically removed as excess baggage. The artificial wound is now used only for excretory functions, the elimination of nitrogenous waste. Just in case you need to know that :). There is some discussion of inducing Admiral Thing to come out of retirement in order to lead the US Navy to the bottom of the Persian Gulf. The Dutch did indeed meet their NATO obligations during The Pandemic Movie. They appointed a task force to scour eBay for spare parts in order to maintain their fleet of 100+ obsolete tanks

      • Luigi says:

        What is undisputed here is the fact that he is fat (oh sorry, overweight)

        • arn says:

          Only racist,bigot,nazis,
          call fat persons fat.
          The correct term is bodypositivity.
          Such a nice term for culinary selfdestruction.

          But for some reason the very same people call shaming fat people fatshaming instead of bodypositivityshaming.
          That’s as confusing as reducing the number of genders from 72 to exactly 2 the very second they start to talk about the gender paygap.

    • william says:

      Few people know or care abut this remarkable coincidence. It knew in advance about the nursing home “COVID” protocols in PA because it preciently authored them. Such foresight was not lost on “the bidens”: “You’re hired! When can you start?”

  2. Francis Barnett says:

    Hallo – it’s my old friend Admiral Sackashit back again !!

    • Greg in NZ says:

      You reckon ‘it’ would be able to grasp and hold a tennis racquet without damaging its fingernail polish – let alone run around a tennis court for, hmm I dunno, at least a couple of sets?

      Love : Nil.

      Game over.

  3. Bob G says:

    it….It… whatever it is…. is the face of our current democrat party… I so hope they continue on with that strategy ….. :-). excuse me, I think I need to go throw up. one more thing, and this may date me but that dude ain’t no Donna Reed

    • arn says:

      Aerosmith actually wrote a song for ” her”.

      “Duden’t look like a Lady.”

      • william says:

        Thy modified the title to honor Rachel – Dude Looks Like a Manure Pile with Glasses

      • Russell Cook says:

        Up above, your two pure common sense “bodypositivity / culinary selfdestruction” paragraphs with a photo of Admiral Richard should be seen on digital readout billboards across America. If I had the cash, I’d commission that myself.

  4. Tel says:

    That disgusting! Those tennis players are not wearing any socks.

    • william says:

      Good catch! They are running the risk of spreading tinea pedis, aka Athletes Foot. A greater Public Health Crisis than even “antisemitism.”

    • Allan Shelton says:

      The lining is the material inside the shoe that comes in contact with the entire foot: the sides, top, and heels. The main purpose of the lining is to cover the inside seams of the shoe and lengthen the shoe’s lifespan. Linings made out of certain materials cushion and comfort the foot or draw out moisture.Jan 11, 2023

  5. william says:

    It’s far far too late to make the USA healthy again if it ever was. With 70 percent jab submission the damage is done and can’t be undone. It will just have to play out and average life expectancy will continue to decline ( It’s about 18 now). US people aren’t really interested in being healthy. It takes too much effort to lose hundreds of pounds of excess blubber and morbid obesity is reinforced by Fat Acceptance. Having 15 chins is the New Beautiful. re: The Jab, the “shedding” issue is very real. I feel the need to radically “Social Distance” – get away from me. My personal Plan B is looking ever more appealing – build a simple lean-to deep in the woods, cover it with a tarp, and take up residence with a shotgun, a pile of books, and a loyal but hypervigilant and ill-tempered dog. As I catch up on my reading may God have mercy on anyone who disturbs me for I will have none.

    • arn says:

      Totally on topic:
      Jimmy Dore just released a new video
      “Middle School Girls FORCED to undress in front of biological Male ”

      Without getting the perversion out of the (education) system, no success in terms of health can ever be achieved.

      • william says:

        Which begs the question..where were their fathers?

        • Tel says:

          In the UK parents are being arrested if they make any complaints … even parents who grumbled in a WhatsApp group were arrested and held without charge for an extended period. It’s unmistakable harrassment and intimidation to make people shut up about the school system.

          In the USA they were at one stage sending the FBI to accuse parents of terrorism if they spoke up about how bad the schools are. Not sure if Trump has managed to stop that.

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