Grok Defending Climategate

Grok aggressively defends the Climategate scamsters.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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4 Responses to Grok Defending Climategate

    • arn says:

      “(models) fail to replicate observed temperature trajectories, and sea ice extend trends,
      exhibiting correlations near zero when compared to unadjusted records”


  1. arn says:

    Seems Grom is simply reciting 1:1 the official narratives of googles
    search results of its preferred/authoritative propaganda sources,
    with the standard claims,deflections and accusations
    without adding a single thing of its own “intelligence” to it.

    An intelligent Grok would wonder wether coherence is even possible by combining temperature data that exists on daily/hourly basis and tree rings
    that appear yearly,with no numbers at all(and that are so open to interpretation that Briffa got completely different results than Mann in the same year).
    And then it would ask which other science “hides” and uses “tricks” and how scientific such an approach can be.

    And Grok knows that deleting emails “reflects frustration”?
    I can not even imagine how “frustrated” the IRS and Hilary must have been
    to destroy all those harddrives.

    And the “Wigley,a respected climatologist”(i bet Fauci is also a respected scientist,who used “tricks” to pull an arbitrary 6 feet social distancing out of his ass, or his tricks to disappear natural immunity,the flu and ivermectin and the trick to reverse his ice age masks don’t protect to masks protect AGW)
    is standard BS.
    And how comes that a water temperature blip that occured as result of changing sea water measurements also occured on land at the same time?
    (an intelligent Grok may also ask wether,how and on which scale a relevant quantitative change of sea water measurements was even possible during WW2.
    They may had better use for money and ressources and more important things to do during that time – but that’s just my guess.)

    And what about the most obvious admission of guilt:
    As soon as climategate went viral on MSM a few weeks later they instantly knew that the standard villain Russia was responsible for the leak though they had exactly 0 evidence(but they still won’t know who leaked the virus).
    So who exactly orchestrated and coordinated the fake Russia claim across all MSM.
    When you have 190 countries to chose from and zero evidence
    every news outlet may get to different results?

  2. conrad ziefle says:

    It seems that Grok is a promulgator of consensus science, just like every other journalist. However, I will say that the AI USUALLY makes it a lot easier to find out how to do obscure things, like change your ‘hosts’ file on your computer. I say usually, because occasionally it goes in a batspit crazy direction.

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