It Is Big Oil’s Fault

The Guardian says it is big oil’s fault that leftists are vandalizing art work.

After 38 attacks on art, climate protesters have fallen into big oil’s trap – it’s time to change tack | Art and design | The Guardian

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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9 Responses to It Is Big Oil’s Fault

  1. arn says:

    After 38 failed assassinations.
    Hitmen have fallen into Trumps trap.
    Time to change tack,and use multiple lonely gunmen again.

    • william says:

      The next scheduled attempt will have a contemporary twist. It will involve a lonely Zionist who will shoot Trump’s other ear from a rooftop after walking unnoticed through a crowd of people with a ten foot Home Depot ladder. He will claim that he mistook Trump for a Palestinian. To utterly destroy Trump one need only rip off that orange thing that is Krazy Glued to the top of his head. If it had a tail it would resemble a day-glo Davey Crockett hat. If you are unfamiliar with mid 20th century American pop-cultural particularities, Davey Crockett hats were a thing.

      • arn says:

        I belong to the crazy minority that thinks that Trumps hairesy is real.

        If one puts on a wig they would not let it look like an orange wave from outer space frozen in time and space.
        It would look way more natural.

        And for the rest of your comment :
        They let others do the job.(your country has this privilege)
        At best do the clean up afterwards Jack R. – style.
        Why would it be this time the case ?
        Considering that Donald has been changing several untouchable paradigms(way more than I realistically expected,but not enough to satisfy you) ,
        it is even by Babylon Bee standards unrealistic that the only group whose standards remained untouched will try such a thing.
        And if done by coincidence – they use to shoot their own according to Miami Vice..

        • william says:

          What would satisfy me would be to see The Donald deported to Yemen to face the justice of Ansurallah for his ardent-to-the-point-of-psychosis facilitation of the wanton genocidal slaughter of brown-ish people who wear sandals

  2. william says:

    I’d say these Climate Activists are confused. They blame Leonardo for the imaginary Climate Crisis. Moreover they wasted perfectly good pumpkin soup, if there is such a thing. Mothers in Gaza would feel blessed to be able to feed their children pumpkin soup instead of leaves. But their efforts satisfy my definition of pathetic and for once I find myself in agreement with the hopelessly fellow-traveling Guardian. After a spell of uncommonly warm weather it has reverted to March here. Yesterday it barely broke freezing with on and off sleet all day. I protested bitterly to no avail. It was time for Direct Action. Grabbing a can of “tomato soup” (colored water) I drove to a nearby “World Class” art museum. Situated between two French Impressionist paintings is an “art” piece entitled Black Door, a door painted black with two – two! – doorknobs. (true story). It’s supposed to make you (not) think. I splashed it with soup expecting to be arrested, hoping that my arrest would call attention to the March weather crisis. But the creator of this masterpiece happened to be present, he decided I had improved it, and he immediately re-titled it Black Door With “Soup” – pretty darn deep if you ask me. He thanked me and I was left feeling, well, pathetic as the sleet continued unabated. But I suppose I can now add “artist” to my resume.

  3. GeologyJim says:

    Thanks William – your story brought a smile

  4. Denis Rushworth says:

    I suggest a new approach for dealing with artwork vandalizm. Step 1) remove the artwork for immediate restoration. Step 2) leave the vandals glued to their chosen wall or floor for one week so the can contemplate the foolishness of their actions.

    • conrad ziefle says:

      Absolutely, and as in Shogun, place a basket of thin reeds near them and allow art patrons to whack them with the reeds at will while passing through the gallery. Or possibly use it as an entertainment station for children who are bored.

  5. Greg in NZ says:

    Hilarious how skeptical de Nilers possess a fun-loving, poke-the-borax sense of humour whilst fundamental zealots throw tantrums as well as Heinz Meanz Fartz.

    So young, green, naïve that they didn’t think through their [coerced] plan to splatter a FAKE da Vinci protected by glass – is the real one in safekeeping at the Vatican for the boys in the Club of Rome?

    Black Door With Soup, Banana With Duct-Tape (and soup?), Man-made Doomsday With Flood And Drought And Hot And Cold And More Research Is Needed For The Settled Science (soup costs extra), all in a class of their own called 100% Net Zero Artistic Talent (NZAT).

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