Merz is leader of the free world
(38) MerzHQ on X: “It’s up to you now, Europe. ?????” / X
Starmer is also leader of the free world
Keir Starmer, unlikely leader of the free world – POLITICO
Macron is going to save Europe with nukes.
Macron seeks talks on how French nuclear weapons could protect Europe
free world my arse. Britain keeps locking up Tommy Robinson for telling the truth. Germany features electricity that cost three times what it should cost… how free do those people feel? loved the Monty Python clip. for you trivia lovers out there who knew that Jerry Lee Lewis, Jimmy swaggart and Mickey gilley are cousins?
Of course they are leaders of the free world, they are all bringing in draconian censorship laws to prevent anybody from saying anything different.
So Starmer thinks he can inspire patriotism in a country where you can get arrested for waving the Union Jack. Please remind me, what is the last refuge of the scoundrel?
Replace Trump with Kamala and the new leaders of the free world will instantly
stick their heads up her butt – even if you blow up their pipeline.
That’s how free they are.
So free that they are not allowed to deviate one iota from the agenda.
Even when big boss isno longer around to force them to do those things.
And why does the trinity of our 3 Unileaders look like softass feminized fagots.
Even Thatcher looked more masculine than those 3 combined.
And in terms of leader no.3 who is married to the Amanda Lear lookalike.
I recently did some fagcheck about the crazy claim that she is Jean Michelle Obama Trognaux.
The shape of Miss Microns ears is the same as of young Jean Michels ears.
Both ears.
Now that’s some coincidence.
The ‘freedom’ refers to the top few percent, at has nothing to do with the well being of the population.