Measuring The Heat

Up and coming atmospheric scientist Chris Martz made a custom request for, and we delivered within a few hours. Scientific claims are easy to evaluate with our tool.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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One Response to Measuring The Heat

  1. Scott Allen says:

    I’ve had a long standing question about NOAA/NASA data records.

    Those records contain, missing data from ‘Zombie’ stations or infill data and station that have moved to new locations.

    Why does NOAA/NASA feel the need to keep up the appearance of ‘Zombie’ stations still reporting information and the need to ‘infill’ data from stations that are working but are missing days or weeks worth of data

    And when a station moves it should be a new station, why do they adjust the new station data with the old station data

    Is there something in the data/computer/computations that makes them preform these adjustments ? why not leave the box/data blank

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