New Climate Metric

Climate change can be detected by changes in pole vault grips.

“Olympic heroine Eliza McCartney believes the effects of climate change can now be seen everywhere – even in heat damage to the grip of the pole she vaults with.

So she’s “very angry” about climate change, votes Green and composts her own food.

In other words, our champion pole vaulter is also a climate warrior.”

Olympic pole vaulter Eliza McCartney ‘very angry’ about climate change, votes Green – and is a P?keh? who speaks te reo M?ori | Stuff

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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14 Responses to New Climate Metric

  1. arn says:

    For someone who started Pole Vaulting age 14 she has for sure all the decades of before /after-warming grip experience.

    But for some reason, despite all the climate related grip damage
    those faults never ever snap at the grip.

    But nice to see that she speaks some cannibal language.

  2. Bill says:

    Here, Tony, you’ll enjoy this story:

    Amazon forest felled to build road for climate summit

    “A new four-lane highway cutting through tens of thousands of acres of protected Amazon rainforest is being built for the COP30 climate summit in the Brazilian city of Belém.”

    • arn says:

      Nothing screams more small carbon footprint than building a highway for a single event
      for people who arrived in private jets.

      And Brazil has no other problems they could use this money for.

    • william says:

      I read the article and was relieved to see that it will be a “sustainable” highway. Locals won’t be able to use it though as it will have walls on either side. This sustainable highway is for “world leaders” only. The upside is that the wood from the trees being felled will re-purposed to make better pole-vaulting poles with grippier grips. Angry but heroic female vaulters can then re-direct their anger to other significant issues such as vaccine “hesitators” in future scheduled pandemics. A Movement might start with angry and heroic shot-putters and javelin throwers getting on board. Their anger will be justified as The Scientists say that hesitators put us all at risk of getting head colds, maybe

      • arn says:

        The most expensive red carpet in history of mankind .

        Brazilians can consider themselves lucky that they haven’t insisted building an airport instead of a highway
        because Lear Jet Communists are so humble.

        • william says:

          Ironically Brazil is a BRICS+ member which is moving away from The Hegemon, the US/NATO/What’s left of Europe/G7 (the geopolitical analyst Pepe Escobar calls it “NATOstan”). BRICS already accounts for 60 percent of global GDP so they are dedollarizing, going their own way. They don’t need The West anymore. A wasteful, stupid, elitist project like this would never be allowed in Eurasia. But Brazil is in the Western hemisphere and it lives in the shadow of the US and its million pound shithammer. Should Lula stray off the rez he would be regime-changed

  3. Gamecock says:

    ‘composts her own food’

    Gross. Gamecock recommends composting the leftovers.

  4. conrad ziefle says:

    There is no logic in the climate cult.

  5. What need have we to consult text books and analyse problems mathematically when a Swedish school drop out and a pole vaulter can tell us all we need to know? It’s almost worth failing your degree for.

  6. D. Boss says:

    Another example of how wonderful our educational system is to produce such utterly ignorant, but useful idiots! Pole vault grip degradation as nothing to do with Climate, but rather with poorly designed or chosen materials. Probably made in China and having low or no UV protection. Almost all polymers are subject to degradation from UV exposure unless treated. And furthermore it is an engineering or design problem as evidenced by the fact almost every new automobile has replaced so many cooling system components with specially engineered plastics instead of metals and they withstand 240 deg F for years before failure.

    Bottom line is she is a naive, brainwashed idiot devoid of the ability to think critically.

    • arn says:

      And the funniest thing :

      I just took a second to watch some photos of her.

      It looks very much like she is using gripband(if that’s the correct English word),
      which means that the grip is the best isolated/protected part of the pole.

      Therefore it can only have one warming related reason and that has nothing to do with climate.
      If she uses the gripwrap she might have changed the brand.
      Her Hands became more acidic and sweaty over the years and this results in faster desintegration.
      She uses still the same brand but the quality got worse.
      She only changed the color of the gripband to a darker one (the only warming related reason).
      Or the most obvious – she gained 30 pounds of weight
      and this additional weight multiplies with speed and puts way more pressure on the pole and gripband.(as women officially never gain weight,
      she’d never come to this conclusion.
      Serena Williams was always built like a linebacker yet her official weight was for years 135lbs)

      If she’d made this interview 40 years ago she would blame this on –
      Ozone hole.

      • william says:

        If she gained 30 pounds (unofficially) it was probably muscle mass from the barely legal steroid-ish chemicals she ingests. ALL professional athletes use them – and to be honest Olympians are de facto professionals – because they know their competitors do. I think one of Serena’s sweaty and acidic legs would weigh in at 135.

        • arn says:

          I dunno about this chick.
          But 200 pound Serena used even officialy some,in her case, legalized illegal doping(not the Russian ones.Those are verboten,at least for Russians,but not for no 1 tennis players) to treat some kind of illness.

          German doping expert Franke says 70% of professionals use doping,while I always thought 90 %.
          But Franke is right as I only know/watch the very top of them, while the biggest part of them never reach the TV and quit after a few years.
          Amongst those Doping is lower,
          but Tier1&2 are 90 % + dopers for sure.

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