No Emergency Or Injunction

The Australian government had an emergency meeting after US taxpayer money to Australian Universities was cut off.  For some reason though, Biden didn’t have an emergency meeting when the money was confiscated from US taxpayers, and no district court judge issued an injunction to stop it from happening.

Sky News Australia on X: “Prime Minister Anthony Albanese has been urged to call an “emergency meeting” after the Trump administration cut grants to seven Australian universities.” / X

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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16 Responses to No Emergency Or Injunction

  1. Ivan G Wainwright says:

    I don’t blame Trump one little bit. Australian universities have gone socialist/woke bigtime. Look at the link below re Macquarie University, NSW. I am a retired civil engineer and received my education in the 1950/1960’s. My granddaughter will be eligible to enter university next year, but I wouldn’t send a dog to any of our universities today. It is a big problem for those who wish to see our young people receive a worthwhile tertiary education. Not even the STEM faculties are safe from this Marxist brainwashing.

  2. Ivan G Wainwright says:

    Whoops! Wrong link; try this instead. (The ‘wrong’ link by Thomas Sowell about Snow White is also worth hearing.)

  3. arn says:

    Damn you Trump.

    Communists don’t grow on trees.
    They have to be cultivated and indoctrinated in a longterm process to get the WEF young leader mentality.

    But it is kinda strange where all the US taxpayer goes to.
    From education to war there is no domain or region the money does not go to.
    I wonder how Americans benefit from this?

  4. conrad ziefle says:

    So the US has been trying to out fund China in the promotion of communism.

  5. Independent says:

    The average American is thinking, wait, why are we funding universities in Australia? Count me among them.

  6. czechlist says:

    We are $35TRILLION IN DEBT.
    Time to cut all foreign aid. We give, they take and most HATE US
    We protect the trade routes and they charge us tariffs?
    F’em and feed ’em fish heads

    • arn says:

      While almost noone know about your help (neither knew Americans how generous they are until DOGE )
      they all know about your wars and regime changes and even experienced them.

      Yet the country with the most America hating people is the

    • Tel says:

      Australia is deep in debt too ya know.

      Aus Dollar sitting something like 60c US$ and filling up a not overly large tank of diesel will set you back at least $100 in this country. We are facing possibly the most incompetent government in Australian history until six months from now when we get someone new and incompetent.

      Times are tough! We can barely afford our own indoctrination centres.

  7. Scott Allen says:

    This is a comment on this by NTEU president Alison Barnes (Australia’s version of the US teachers union)

    ‘the federal government must push back on the Trump admistration’s blatant foreign interference in our independent research in the strongest possible terms’

    She probably should have complained when the US government funded the research in the first place

  8. Bob G says:

    I thought Australia was once a colony of England, not the United States… so why are we funding them? Oh never mind, it’s probably because the Biden family got a kick back. summer is over in Australia and it must have been a cool summer because I don’t recall any fear porn headlines about excessive heat …down under…. and to be clear I mean down under the equator, not down under your belt…lol

    • Jack the Insider says:

      It’s a kick back for backing you up in all the wars in recent years and for letting you build spy bases on our turf. Simples. And thank you for cutting it off. It was only funding hot beds of Leftardism we could do without.

      • Scott Allen says:

        We thank you for your support, but much like France/UK who would be speaking German right now, you would be speaking Japanese if not for the US

        But right now your Northern Territory lease the port of Darwin to China for 99 years, yet the US supplies the military to defend that same port

        • Jack the Insider says:

          Yeah it’s not the best arrangement we could have come up with but that’s just the tip of the Globalist iceberg when it comes to the relationship between China and Aussie. Australia is held over a gun barrel by the Chinese when it comes to trade. They know we are addicted to their cheap tv’s and as a major importer of our coal, iron ore and ag products they have incredible power over our government. To wit what happened when the last government dared to suggest that the Covid originated in one of their labs and that an investigation was warranted. Dont worry about tariffs, they just completely cancelled contracts as retribution, mainly in the ag space, decimating the wine and seafood industries here. Land ownership is also a bizarre cave in. We have no restrictions on Chinese buying property and this has fueled property booms in the major Capital cities as foreign Chinese buyers flood the market making it virtually impossible for young Aussies to buy a house. Trying buying property in China as a non-Chinese. No chance in hell.

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