In 2007, Nobel Prize winner Al Gore prophesized an ice-free Arctic by 2014. Since then, there has been no trend in Arctic sea ice extent.
Dec 14, 2007, page 1-12 – Chicago Tribune at
Al Gore doesn’t care, he’s made his millions pushing the scam.
Though he was only an amateur his predictions were and still are as accurate as those from real climate scientists.
A well deserved Oscar for pretending to be an expert..
But what the hell do co2 and climate have to do with the Nobel Peace Prize?
I’m somehow missing the peace thingy here.
The fake economics Nobel Prize would have been more appropriate for a guy who went from 6 digits to 200 mio+ by selling cwarming fear while being in college during the official cooling scare.
Seems that being democrats presidential candidate is the only relevant metric for Americans in this category(if only Sanders knew about that) and if
Trump had lost Kamalas Nobel Peace Prize would be already on its way for ending world hunger with word salad.
Silly that all those democrats higher up the ladder belong to the by them so hated 1%. And are all protected by armed agents.
You need some extremely rich and very organized people penetrating all domains of society to “educate” the 99% into the believe that they do not want the things the 1% have and that living in misery is what they wish for.
As the 1%(0.01 to be co2 accurate) can not do this on their own they need proxies posing as politicians,entertainers,NGOs etc.
Pedant Alert plus sarc/humor –
Is ‘prophesized’ like ‘supersized’ (?) as Phat Albert the Gore seems to have put on as many pounds as he has acquired $millions, despite snow blizzards and frigid temperatures and ‘extremes’ in weather – which is only natural after all.
While parts of eastern Australia are FLOODING due to the lingering, and more southerly than usual, monsoon, across the ditch here in New Zealand we have an ‘official’ DROUGHT, or as some of us old-timers say, a glorious warm & sunny & calm Indian Summer. Carbon pollution [sic] is soooo versatile.
Why aren’t you using the full dataset Tony? Don’t reinforce the selected data trick that the Left use. It would be better if you explained the tricks they are deploying to change the methodology of how they make the count for ice extent.
if I’m reading the graphs correctly…. almost no trend of declining ice in the winter when the sun isn’t shining on the Arctic Ocean…. and a noticeable decline in the summer when the sun is shining on the the Arctic Ocean ice cover which is increasingly covered with black soot from Chinese and India Coal fired power plants. Bingo!!!
I dont think you are reading the graphs correctly. The series on the LHS of the page is the Arctic. The graphs on the RHS are for the Antarctic. The Arctic graph over 45 years shows declines for both Summer minimums (Red) and the Winter maximums (Blue).
All Gore made a prediction in 2007. I showed every day from 2007 until the present. Your comment is ridiculous.
I’m on your side Tony, and my comment is valid. If you look at the data from 2007 it is difficult to detect any trend but from the wider data set it is more obvious. The Left accuse you of using selected data ranges as we know they do. All i am saying is dont fall for their same tricks. As to the appearance of falling peaks and troughs when you look at the longer dataset i would say the following.
1. So what? Cycles are natural and we know the 70’s was a peak for coldness so not unusual or unexpected for there to have been a decrease since then.
2. It is impossible to make predictive comment on a 50 year time frame. Hundreds of years at least are needed.
3. The likelihood of the North Pole becoming ice free looking at either data from 2007 or earlier is absurd. Gore is a manipulative fool.
4. As someone else posted maybe there are other reasons other than CO2 driving the reductions (if they are real).
5. What i would really like to know is; is there data tampering going on with data like they have done with temperature data to make reductions appear to be so when in reality there are none. I recall last year the Danish changing methodologies for the ice count that of course showed less ice. Has this change been retrospectively applied to old data to force the appearance of change?
Don’t go all defensive when someone raises a legitimate question. It does you no favours.
Always appreciate you “woke again” government worshippers of the Church of Warming posting the gospel being sermonized. Do you tithe to Algore the Joel Osteen of the Church of Warming? He needs a new jet.
Rasputin with his beard shaved.
True! And a hair cut-and-gel. Same crazed eyes.
Rasputin was a true believer … unlike Gore and his waterfront property.
I think of the surname Gore as being typically Scottish or Northern English. But Fat Al looks rather Irish there. From which I conclude: the camera ever lies.