Greenland has gained 200 billion tons of new snow and ice over the last 60 days, which has led to record global snow volume.
Surface Conditions: Polar Portal
Last week the BBC announced the “rapid shrinking of Greenland’s ice.”
‘The ice melted beneath our feet’: The huskies that revealed the rapid shrinking of Greenland’s ice
But whenever Greenland loses 200 billion tons of snow in 60 days
it is an unprecedented catastrophy.
And animals doing the Jesus walk is nothing new.
Happens when heavy rainfalls and/or heatwaves hit a frozen lake.
(there are some reallyamazing paronama photos from Kirovsk that are years older and way more impressive than the crap above)
You mean the children in Greenland experienced snowfall? I thought that was a thing of the past!
At least the BBC article here with ‘Huskies walking on water’ started out by saying “In June 2019 ….” One of the weirder things I’ve witnessed over the last decade is the enviro-nuts putting out news items about the ‘melting Arctic’ in the winter months showing photos of the Arctic under an obviously blazing summer sun that were NEVER labeled as such. It seemed that the zealots were always oblivious to how the otherwise disinterested public would react with, “well, it can’t be melting right now, ’cause even right here in Nebraska it’s below zero.” I still can’t figure out to this day why the zealots don’t hold off with these idiotic articles until mid July, where the uninformed public might be sweltering under the same blazing sun, prompting them to say, “golly, this could be a real problem.”