Same Old Democrats

“Nothing much has changed with the Democrat party…they used to burn a cross in your front they are burning Teslas”

(2) Real Ben Garrison Cartoons on X: “Nothing much has changed with the Democrat party…they used to burn a cross in your front they are burning Teslas….?” / X

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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8 Responses to Same Old Democrats

  1. arn says:

    It would have been really funny if he’d photoshopped the burning cross into a Tesla symbol.

  2. Bob G says:

    My first thought is that’s a lot of people on that stairway… in the photo. the people who want to believe in man-made climate change, also want to trust the engineers of that stairway. hhmmm. I’m old enough to remember the Kansas City engineering disaster where too many people crowded on a walkway, that wasn’t designed for that, that gave way, and about a hundred people died. so mankind can change the climate but we can’t construct a walkway that can hold 100 people Safely? hhmmmm

    • roaddog says:

      The problem with the Kansas City walkway was not the design; but that it was not manufactured per the original design. Certainly not a problem today when liberal democrats are determined to staff all working class positions with illegal immigrants/slave labor who can’t speech English, much less read blueprints.

  3. czechlist says:

    Growing up in the 50s and 60s , I often heard the lament – ” if only women ran the world…”
    While the KKK is surely 100% dim men, it appears close to 90% of the staircase dims are women.

    • arn says:

      Female leaders throughout history have a 30% higher tendency to go to war than men.
      But what’s way worse is that all these tactics that are being used these days are female in nature.
      Ruining targets by pretending to help them(IMF,Worldbank,MRNA)
      by charackter assassination,shaming, good intentions,subversion etc.
      Yet noone ever talks about toxic femininity.

      And what leadership can one expect from a group that is not even able to go to the toilet alone when in a bar,club etc?

      • dearieme says:

        Queen Elizabeth I

        “I do not like war. It is costly and the outcome uncertain”

        • arn says:

          You mean that Queen that brought war to the seas on a global scale by using pirates … I mean privateers (state sponsored terrorism is so much more sophisticated than private robbery)
          and lead Britain into a permanent war with the Armada?

          Or her eternal henfight with Mary Stuart?
          (yeah.those king ladies are very peacy)

          Wasn’t she so much at war that she had to sell tons of properties for the debts.
          (sorry if I missed the sarcasm)

  4. Independent says:

    The Democrat Party is a violent mafia.

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