Aggie Joke – Clouds Make It Hot

I hate hot summer days when the clouds come over and block the cooling Sun.

COLLEGE STATION, Texas, Dec. 9 (UPI) — Changes in the Earth’s cloud cover will amplify global warming of the planet caused by human activities, a U.S. researcher says.

Andrew Dessler, a professor of atmospheric sciences at Texas A&M, says warming due to increases in greenhouse gases will cause clouds to absorb more heat, which will lead to additional warming, a university release said Thursday.

“It’s a vicious cycle — warmer temperatures mean clouds trap more heat, which in turn leads to even more warming,” Dessler says.


About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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31 Responses to Aggie Joke – Clouds Make It Hot

  1. sunsettommy says:

    “It’s a vicious cycle — warmer temperatures mean clouds trap more heat, which in turn leads to even more warming,” Dessler says.”

    It never happened in the last 2 billion years.

    Why now little Andrew?

  2. MikeTheDenier says:

    I guess all that snow falling from the clouds in Europe and the northern half of the US is a mirage.

  3. Mike Davis says:

    The first time I heard of Dressler it was related to a claim he made that was entirely opposite of what was evident in the real world and he has not changed as I have yet to read anything from him that even relates to the real world. If this gut claimed the sky was blue I would ask for a totally independent research group to verify his results. I would probably want Spencer, Christy, and Lindzen to be part of the team.

  4. Justa Joe says:

    I’ve heard this character, Andrew Dessler, with Eric Berger on Blogtalk radio. This guy, Dessler. sounds like a garden variety moonbat and a warmist to the extreme. He’s a poor mann’s Michael Mann. He’s just a far left whack job using the klimate as a vehicle.

  5. sunsettommy says:

    Dessler is a slave to the AGW hypothesis no matter what.

    I have seen him make his horrid comment replies to skeptics,that would sure insomnia.

    He is a mess.

  6. slimething says:

    More crap through the pal review goose at “Science”.

  7. Scarlet Pumpernickel says:

    First time EVER something is not blamed on climate change, amazing!

  8. Scarlet Pumpernickel says:

    These special new clouds are they made out of CO2?

  9. suyts says:

    Yeh, he’s popped by WUWT twice now. Hoping he’ll reply to me before I get full of beer.

    I was taking a walk the other morning, it was still foggy out, but I ventured on anyway. Boy did that burn! The IR bouncing back and forth from the ground to the fog was quick and intense!

    Earlier this summer, I felt a cool breeze and it chilled the sweat on my body. So much so, I got a bit cooled, fortunately, a cloud came between me and the sun and I started to warm again.

    • Mike Davis says:


      • suyts says:

        lol, you gotta read the study!!! Clouds hot us up!! Well, cool us less than what they would if it wasn’t warmer. See? Wait, that didn’t sound right, let me try again………See when it’s cooler, clouds cool us more. When its warmer, clouds cool us less. See the runaway cooling and warming that’s happened in the past? Apparently there are tipping points before they even start! No, wait, that didn’t sound right either……..uhmm…….see I was cold once and this cloud warmed me right up! See?

      • Mike Davis says:

        I actually, once upon a time, read something from Dressler. If I want fairy tales, the Brothers Grimm are always available.

  10. Anyone who thinks will see the ridiculous ideas in “global warming”.

    • suyts says:

      Seemingly, each and every time. These people are whacked! As it gets warmer clouds provide less cooling? WTF idiotic, reality denying, circular logic is that? I just asked him what the antithesis of his thinking was, but he’s not speaking to me.

      If what he stated is true, then as it gets colder, clouds provide more cooling. We should have all froze to death before 1975, 1795, 597, or any other year the earth cooled.

  11. Sundance says:

    I guess I’ll have to get used to it being hotter in the shade of the trees too with this new discovery.

    • Mike Davis says:

      Whatever you do, do not tell my trees about this study. They still think clouds covering the sun cools the area and trees offer shade to cool the area also. My trees might rebel when they find out they are supposed to warm the area on hot days. They think they have enough to do already. I definitely do not want hundreds of acres of forest in my neighborhood rioting!
      That is why I do not allow them to have internet access.

      • suyts says:

        lol, good call Mike!!! They’d be plenty peeved to know they were supposed to be warming us all along.

        This winter, I’m going to test this to see how many clouds and trees know what they’re supposed to be really doing. I’m thinking my stupid trees and clouds don’t know yet, of course, I might freeze to death, but educating clouds and trees is an honorable undertaking!

    • suyts says:

      Nah, they just came out with this new thingy stating that plants make the earth cooler, so we can conclude the shade from a tree is way cooler than the shade from a cloud. See, its all about clouds being hot.

  12. slimething says:

    The more I read at RC on the Dessler paper, the more I am convinced it is more of the same pro-AGW bias from Science. He does nothing to refute Spencer’s work. Zero.

    How is it Dessler gets published so quickly? Sheesh, have journals become so politically infected that Science stoops so low to push it through like that?

    This is reminiscent of L&F in 2007 when Mike Lockwood trotted out his “nail in the coffin for solar climate” to the press just in time for a U.N. meeting. Now Lockwood magically finds there is a solar/climate connection, but it only affects Europe and the U.S., of course after the fact when cold is returning.

    I certainly hope Roy Spencer wastes no time in rebutting Dessler.

  13. Slimething says:

    This is why there should be public debates, or at least in a setting where opposing scientists must defend their work in an open arena. That’s how it was done in the past before all this anonymous “peer review” malarkey where politics trumps honor and integrity. Eisenhower gave a stern warning for what we are witnessing today.

  14. suyts says:

    Well, the peckerhead never addressed me or my questions. Here’s what he and people like himself don’t get……….. there’s many people out there just like me. We allow that the earth may be warming, but we insist on it being shown without thermometers being placed right behind jet fuel exhaust. Yeh, weird.

    I also allow that it could be people making this happen, still, I insist on proof, not some imaginary correlation that changes from decade to decade when we’ve only been watching it for 3.
    Readjust temps from the 30’s? Proves that its a lie.

    But mostly, they want to take my children’s liberty? My children’s money? Their property? Their ability to gain? Not on my watch. I don’t give a rat’s ass if Manhattan submerges. There had better be more than that(please let it be S.F. first!) before I give up the most precious gift ever given…………….freedom.

    Thomas Paine…..”It is an affront to treat falsehood with complaisance.”

    Samuel Adams…..“If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquillity of servitude than the animating contest of freedom, — go from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains sit lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen!”

    Thomas Paine again, ….”When men yield up the privilege of thinking, the last shadow of liberty quits the horizon.”

    And clouds hot us up…………

  15. Justa Joe says:

    When I heard Dessler speak previously he acknowledged that the “climate models” did not fully understand the effect of cloud cover on the climate. Now shortly thereafter what do you know? Up pops Dessler, and he’s got clouds all fugured out for us, and by golly even the clouds mitigate on behalf of greater rapidity of AGW. I’m sure that it’s only a coincidence that Dessler just happens to be a ribald AGW proponent. This so called climate science is just made to order isn’t it?

  16. Myron Mesecke says:

    Small town just north of here is going to be heavily impacted due to interstate highway expansion. The town is going to have Aggie grad students help plan out the town.

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