US Temperatures Show Zero Correlation With CO2

Climate experts working for the government try to scare people into believing that US temperatures will become unbearably hot due to rising CO2. Hansen predicted that the US would warm 4-6 degrees by 2020.

Thermometers tell a completely different story. Since 300 PPM, measured US temperatures show zero correlation with atmospheric CO2.

ScreenHunter_435 Jun. 12 22.56

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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12 Responses to US Temperatures Show Zero Correlation With CO2

  1. Truthseeker says:

    But, but, but, according to the Dr Robert Browns and Dr Roy Spencers of this world, CO2 is a “greenhouse gas”.

    I have a problem with a theory if the relevant variable goes up by 40% and the measured outcome shows an effect of precisely 0% (to the nearest whole number).

  2. inMAGICn says:


  3. wwlee4411 says:

    Reblogged this on wwlee4411 and commented:
    The truth hurts.

  4. Jason Calley says:

    Zero correlation, but the warmunists are convinced that they see causation! You can’t fix stupid.

  5. Gail Combs says:

    GallopingCamel had an interesting point about CO2 and IR radiation.

    …CO2 has many absorption lines but my personal favorite is the one at 15 microns (wave number 667.7). It takes many microseconds for an excited CO2 molecule to release a photon while the mean time between collisions with nitrogen/oxygen molecules near sea level on Earth is <0.2 nano-seconds. Thus it is that the vast majority of exciited CO2 molecules give up their energy to the "bulk of the atmosphere" (as Arrhenius would say) by collision before they have time to radiate a photon.

    The collision time constant is directly proportional to pressure, other things such as temperature being equal. In contrast, CO2 molecules in the stratosphere are much more likely to radiate a photon isotropically so half the radiation will return to the surface or the cloud tops. Will it matter? No it won’t.

    Dr Robert Brown posted an easier to understand comment at WUWT in response to this. HERE

    And there is quite a bit of discussion @ CheifIO

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