Average temperatures in Australia peaked in 1878, with 1889 also being a very hot year.
Maximum temperatures in Australia peaked in the 1870’s, with 1878 being the hottest. Temperatures declined sharply until the 1930’s and have warmed a little since then.
Absolute maximum temperatures show a strong warming until about 1900, which is an artifact of adding hotter stations.
Minimum temperatures in Australia also peaked in 1878, but generally the trend has been upwards since the start of records. This is likely due to UHI.
Like maximum temperatures, absolute minimum temperatures increased until about 1900, due to the addition of warmer stations.
You are killing them dead Steve. Watch your back…
No one it seems ever talks about that 1878 temperature spike that is clearly visible on HADCRUT temperature plots.
NASA has recently eliminated all pre-1880 data
If I remember correctly, Edmonton Canada had one of its warmest year ever in 1889. I mean in the raw data.
Thanks for all your work Steve!
But you did not homogenize the data /sarc