Since Climate The Movie was released, the personal attacks I’m receiving have become even sillier than they used to be.
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The voice sounds familiar. Didn’t he post as Potholer54 on YouTube? The guy literally does not know what he is talking about. He isn’t a phoney; he actually believes his own nonsense, quite oblivious of how absurd it appears to wiser minds. He cites papers he clearly does not understand, and his attempts at presenting theory are pathetic. He has the spurious authority of an Oxford accent and little else, but that is sufficient to convince the ignorant, the gullible and the naive.
To paraphrase the presentation; ‘Tony Heller is a bad man who cherry picks the sea ice plot at the time of year when it is at its minimum and considers the ice cover the entire period of satellite observation’
I think the technical term is ‘projection’.
Cuxhafen is my best evidence of acceleration and de acceleration:
Using 50 Years mean-
There has been a change in change but it is not CO2 related.
Periodic as most of climate.
The graph is as devastating as Tony’s superb take down of BONUS et al.
The graph shows sea level rise DECELERATED from about 1920 to 1975. And, most of the time since 1975, the rate of change is SLOWER than the rate PRIOR to 1920. Both are CONTRARY to the climate crisis narrative. Wonder why BONUS failed to reference graphs presenting 50 yr trends in sea level changes;-}
Our self appointed betters amongst the climate alarmists are as bad at “the politics of personal destruction” and persuading the public to their point of view as they are at genuine climate science. Need proof? After 50+ years of unrelenting climate alarmism, the U.S. public still considers dealing with climate change to be a low priority. The public does so because it KNOWS reality almost always eventually refutes the alarmist narrative.
In 1986 Der Spiegel , kind of leading scandal ridden, newsmagazine for pseudointellectuals , released an issue called “The climate catastrophy”
showing cologne under water, only the upper half of the dome above water.
A well connected scientist by the name Hartmut Bachmann called the Boss of the Magazine,Augstein, and told him that this crap has nothing to do with the current climate research,
Augstein responded :” If you want to move the masses you have to scare them”
Of course there was a decline after 1979. BONUS gets no bonus points for stating the obvious. BONUS loses many points for his cherry picking, for starting in 1979 and not disclosing how much lower sea ice was in 1973, 74 and the years prior to 1979, for lying about accelerating decline in sea ice – and for lying about/slandering Tony. BONUS is the only ‘disinformer’ here. BONUS is the only cherry picker here. He is an incredibly dishonest, slick propagandist whom only ignorant sheep would believe.
Excellent excoriation, Tony!
Have you noticed that Stephen McIntyre’s Climate Audit seems to have started a new lease of life?
At the 2 minute point of the attack video, it’s entertaining how the accusers show a 2017 IRS 990 form tallying up to around $1,212,000 for CO2Coalition, a multi-person group likely having some kind of executive administrators, paid staffers and various operating expenses, e.g office rent, website operation, etc. Undoubtedly, that group is underfunded considering the actual work they do. Meanwhile, one of the main hallmarks of far-leftists is how they project their faults as accusations aimed at our side. Have a look at the 2017 IRS 990 form for a single individual ( ), John Passacantando, the longest serving Exec Director of Greenpeace USA from 2000 to 2008. That form features his current mystery “Our Next Economy LLC” company which has absolutely NO internet presence, as contrasted with the CO2Coalition. One guy — doing who knows what? — raked in just over $2 MILLION. As I detail at my own blog via all the publicly available IRS 990 forms ( ), Passacantando has amassed just short of $20 MILLION from 2009 to 2021, with nearly $4 million coming in for the latest 2021 form. CO2Coalition is completely upfront with what they do. Passacantando & his Our Next Economy LLC …. not so much. But here’s three screencaptures which may indicate what he’s up to: / /–1024×828.jpg . Note the additional name in the first two screencaptures there is Rockefeller Family Fund (RFF) Executive Director Lee Wasserman. The Associate Director of RFF is Lisa Guide (×678.jpg ) . . . Passacantando’s wife ( ), who’s been married to him since his Greenpeace days ( ).
Most climate skeptics are working on their own dime, yet produce superior quality work than the heavily subsidized bloated behemoth of the climate alarm industry. But facts and reality are largely irrelevant to the alarmist argument.
Climate alarmists get paid to play along.
Meanwhile, many climate realists WILLINGLY DONATE their time & talents.
Climate alarmists get paid to play along.
Bingo, and BOOM!
Considering how much money they make with their non-jobs
it is no surprise that they defend the warming hoax by any means.
Do you know how hard it is to simply find the trailer for this movie? Why is that?? LOL. Zero coverage for this movie…why is that?