July 12, 1976
“The weather seems to have gone berserk lately. The tennis courts at Wimbledon in England have not been as parched since the 1920’s. The same is true for croplands in northern France, the Soviet Union, Minnesota and the Dakotas. It’s so dry, brush fires have started several weeks early in California, and water is being rationed.
They believe that the earth’s climate has moved into a cooling cycle, which means highly erratic weather for decades to come. And that, they say, has profound implications—most of them bad—for world food production, economic stability and social order.”
Climatologists Forecast Stormy Economic Future – The New York Times
March 8, 1977
“Gov. Edmund G. Brown Jr., warned here today that drought?stricken California was “facing a disaster of immeasurable magnitude.”
Ah,the good ole 1977,
when people used to know that California
“would be a near desert if early planers had not built the mammoth water collection and storage system that has enabled the population to grow so large
over the last few decades”
Now that’s the place to start the worlds greatest dam removal – isn’t it,Gavin?
And while the Californians from a hundred years ago knew exactly how to built things
that can cope with a population increase of 300%(15 mio)
from 1930-1977,
(they did it so well that even a doubling of the population from 1977-2025 was managable with these old plans,because California hasnt built a reservoir in over 40 years)
they no longer know how to do this
and now pretend to have water problems.
While at the same time removing dams instead of doubling their numbers to compensate for the negative effects of the global warming they pretend to believe in.
And said governor Edward Brown?
California shift towards fascism already started under his reign.
So much
that the punk band Dead Kennedys dedicated a song to him.
“California Über Alles”
I am governor Jerry Brown
my aura smiles and never frowns
I’ll be Führer one day
Zen fascists will control you
100% natural
You will jog for the master race
and always wear a happy face
Close your eyes can’t happen here
Big Brother on white horse is near
Now it’s 1984
the secret police at your door
Just like Malcolm X
Jello Biafra cracked the liberal code decades befor it became obvious.
That song is from 1980.