Dogs Are (Even) Worse Than Children

10:10 showed us the correct way to dispose of unbelieving and blasphemous children, but we are faced with an even worse problem – dogs. Turns out that they produce more CO2 than an SUV.

You can calculate your little planet-destroyer’s paw print here:

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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3 Responses to Dogs Are (Even) Worse Than Children

  1. hal says:

    Hey! dont talk about overweight, overpaid oil execs that way!

  2. Sandy Rham says:

    If dogs take to assassinating warmists how guilty should we feel?

  3. Douglas DC says:

    What about all those squirrels? My dog is a Prius compared to those little Visigoths!
    He’ll tell you that if he could talk!

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